Category Archives: Comic Checklists

Personal Love Checklist

Last update: 8/13/2010

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Personal Love (Prize)
  1 (v.1, n.1) September 1957
    (cover) - P:[Orlando]  
    "The Truth About Love" 5 pg -  
    "Bright Idea" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "The Outsider" 7 pg - P:Galindo  
    "Old Faithful" 6 pg -  
    "Stag Party" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Center of Attraction" 7 pg -  
  2 (v.1, n.2) November 1957
    (cover) -  
    "My Sister's Sweetheart" 6 pg -  
    "In-Laws" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "A Love of My Own" 6 pg -  
    "Unwilling Bridegroom" 6 pg -  
    "My Love Wasn't Enough" 7 pg -  
  3 (v.1, n.3) January 1958
    (cover) -  
    "Hope Chest" 6 pg -  
    "Advice" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Three's a Crowd" 6 pg -  
    "My Man to Love" 6 pg - P:[Galindo]  
    "Teen-Age Gripe" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Selfish Lover" 7 pg -  
  4 (v.1, n.4) March 1958
    (cover) -  
    "All's Fair In Love" 6 pg -  
    "Discipline" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Heartbreak" 7 pg -  
    "The Other Woman" 6 pg - P:[Galindo]  
    "Overweight" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Forgotten Love" 6 pg -  
  5 (v.1, n.5) May 1958
    (cover) -  
  6 (v.1, n.6) July 1958
    (cover) -  
    "Man Hunter" 6 pg -  
    "Immature" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Vengeful Heart" 7 pg - P:[Galindo]  
    "Afraid To Love" 6 pg -  
    "Beauty Costs" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Heartbreak" 6 pg -  
  7 (v.2, n.1) September 1958
    (cover) -  
    "The Leftover Heart" 6 pg -  
    "Dieting by Wanda" 1 pg -  - (illustrated text)
    "You Can't Have Him" 6 pg -  
    "Second Chance" 6 pg -  
    "Decisions by Delphine" 1 pg -  - (illustrated text)
    "Something Special" 7 pg -  
  8 (v.2, n.2) November 1958
    (cover) -  
    "I'll Break Your Heart" 6 pg - P:[Galindo]  
    "Manners" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Never Love Again" 6 pg -  
    "Tears of Glory" 7 pg -  
    "Your Own Style" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Stop At Nothing" 6 pg -  
  9 (v.2, n.3) January 1959
    (cover) -  
  10 (v.2, n.4) March 1959
    (cover) -  
    "The Ties That Bind" 5 pg - P:[Galindo]  
    "Love Is Blind" 7 pg - P:[Briefer]  
    "Winners Also Cry" 8 pg - P:[Orlando]  
    "Posture" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Love Cheat" 5 pg -  
  11 (v.2, n.5) May 1959
    (cover) -  
    "True Devotion" 7 pg - P:Orlando  
    "Advice" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "My Love Has Two Faces" 7 pg -  
    "Something To Remember You By" 5 pg - P:[Briefer]  
    "Problems" 1 pg -  - (text)
    "Phantom Lover" 6 pg - P:Galindo  

Strange World of Your Dreams Checklist

Last update: 6/7/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Black Magic (Prize)
   #1 August 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "I Talked With My Dead Wife" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Haunted in My Sleep" 1 pg  (text)
       "You Sent Us This Dream" 1.5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Don't Wake The Sleeper" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Send Us Your Dreams" 2.5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Mouse that Dreamed He Was a Lion" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Dreaming Tower" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #2 September 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Girl In The Grave" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Sent Us This Dream (Betty L.)" 1.5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Laughing Corpse" 1 pg  (text)
       "You Sent Us This Dream (Miss Ellen K.)" 2 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "I Lived 200 Years Ago" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Send Us Your Dreams" 2 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Bronze Goddess" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Dream Saved His Life" 7 pg P:[J. G.]  Lt:[Oda]
   #3 November 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Woman In The Tower" 4 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Send Us Your Dreams" 4 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Her Mother's Girl" 1 pg  (text)
       "Edge Of Madness" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "You Sent Us This Dream (Patricia S.)" 1.5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Stars in our Lives" .5 pg  (text)
       "How The Stars Affect Your Job" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Sent Us This Dream (Thomas R.)" 2 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mistaken Dream" 1 pg P:Draut  (text)
       "Vision Of Doom" 1 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Sent Us This Dream (John W.)" 2.5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
   #4 January 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Show Your Face" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Whipping Boy" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Moon And You" 2 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Romance In The Stars" 3 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Send Us Your Dreams" 2 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Skeleton In Your Closet" 3 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Sent UsThis Dream (Paul R.)" 2 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Smart Girl" 1 pg  (text)
       "4L-523" 5 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]

Prize Black Magic Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Black Magic (Prize)
   #1 (v.1, n.1) October 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Last Second Of Life" 10 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Woman In The Mirror" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "His Father's Footsteps" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Don't Look Now" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Idol" 2 pg  (text)
       "When You  Were Alive" 6 pg P:[Premiani]  Lt:[Oda]
       "My Dolly Is The Devil" 7 pg P:[Starr]  Lt:[Oda]
   #2 (v.1, n.2) December 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Scorn Of The Faceless People" 10 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Cheerful Old Lady In Black" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Cloak" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Out of Your Mind" 2 pg  (text)
       "I've Seen You Before" 6 pg P:[Premiani]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Yesterday You Died" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #3 (v.1, n.3) February 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "A Silver Bullet For Your Heart" 11 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Curse On You" 8 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Satan's Sister" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Signal" 2 pg  (text)
       "The World Of Shadows" 6 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Voices In The Night" 6 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
   #4 (v.1, n.4) April 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Voodoo On Tenth Avenue" 9 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hideout" 8 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Man's Last Dream" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Strangest Facts" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Up to the Jury" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Dead Don't Really Die" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Jonah" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #5 (v.1, n.5) June 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Who Walks In My Dream" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Justice For The Dead" 7 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "Sleep, Perchance To Die" 9 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The World Of Spirits" 2 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death of a Sleepwalker" 2 pg W:Alexander  (text)
       "Follow Me" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Face From The Future" 7 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
   #6 (v.1, n.6) August 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Masterpiece" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Moment Of Shadow" 5 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "A Wolf That Hummed A Nursery Rhyme" 5 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "Union With The Dead" 3 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Vacation in the Mountains" 2 pg  (text)
       "Skull's Eyes Never Sleep" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Girl The Earth Ate Up" 5 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
   #7 (v.2, n.1) October 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Thing In The Fog" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "No One Human" 4 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man Who Captured A Ghost" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Tailor's Dummy" 2 pg  (text)
       "Old Tom's Window" 4 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "Don't Ride The 5:20" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #8 (v.2, n.2) December 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Donovan's Demon" 7.5 pg P:[Stein & Kirby] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Invisible Link" 9 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The House That Tried To Kill Me" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Nightmare" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Curse Of The Crystal Ball" 8 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
   #9 (v.2, n.3) February 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Faith Healer" 4 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Mark Of Evil" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Usnea, Moss Of Death" 1 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Ghost Of Chateau Bois" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man In The Judge's Chair" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Friend for Billy" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Crusaders In No Man's Land" 3 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "You Should Live So Long" 5 pg P:Roussos I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
   #10 (v.2, n.4) March 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Dead Man's Lode" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Memory House" 3 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The World Beyond Reality" 3.5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Seven Years Bad Luck" 7.5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Typewriter of Henry Silvers" 2 pg  (text)
       "Coffin For Your Wedding Day" 3 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Assassin" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #11 (v.2, n.5) April 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Girl Who Walked On Water" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Drop Me Of At The Cemetery" 4.5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Thirteenth Floor" 7 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Rendezvous" 2 pg  (text)
       "Room For One More" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Through All Eternity" 7.5 pg P:Roussos I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
   #12 (v.2, n.6) May 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "It's Your Funeral" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Contact" 6.5 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Say the Magic Words" 7 pg P:Walton  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Man's Castle" 2 pg  (text)
       "A Giant Walks The Earth" 7.5 pg P:[Meskin & Kirby] I:[Meskin & Kirby] Lt:[Oda]
   #13 (v.2, n.7) June 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Up There" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Handwriting On The Wall" 3 pg P:J. G.  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Rag, A Bone And A Hank Of Hair" 7 pg P:[Meskin & Kirby] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Visions Of Nostradamus" 3 pg P:[Eadeh & Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Tiny Hands of Retribution" 1 pg  (text)
       "When I Live Again" 6.5 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Minuet by Moonlight" 1 pg  (text)
       "Where Is Alfred Weeks" 5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
   #14 (v.2, n.8) July 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Choose A Face" 8 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Courts Of Sleep" 4.5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Witch Girl" 7 pg P:Walton  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Man's Greed" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Mailed Fist Of McGonigle" 4 pg P:Roussos I:Roussos Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Destiny" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Voice Of The Dead" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #15 (v.2, n.9) August 1952 (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Angel Of Death" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Ringer" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ashes To Ashes" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Flight that Failed" 1 pg  (text)
       "Shades Of Rex" 3.5 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Last Date" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Promised Land" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #16 (v.2, n.10) September 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Sniper" 4.5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Murder in Grove County" 1 pg  (text)
       "Possessed" 7 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Fly By Night" 7 pg P:Walton  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Cursed Relic" 1 pg  (text)
       "The End Of His Rope" 7 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Number 23" 4 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
   #17 (v.2, n.11) October 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Freak" 8 pg P:[Kirby] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Guardian Angel" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "I Wouldn't Let Him Die" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hoof Beats Of The Devil's Horse" 4 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Warning" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Mary Celeste: Ship Of Evil" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Soul Of A Man" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Boy Who Was 2000 Years Old" 4 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
   #18 (v.2, n.12) November 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Nasty Little Man" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "You'll Die Laughing" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man with a Vision" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Horror That Came Out Of The Sea" 6 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Red Bird" 1 pg  (text)
       "Come Claim My Corpse" 2 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Poltergeist" 1 pg P:[J. G.]  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Deadly Dream" 2 pg P:[J. G.]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Detour, Lorelei On Highway 52" 5 pg P:[McCarty & Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #19 (v.3, n.1) December 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Sammy's Wonderful Glass" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Man's Isle" 7 pg P:Walton  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Monster" 1 pg  (text)
       "Return From The Grave" 4 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Swindle" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Man Eater" 4.5 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "This'll Kill You" 7 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
   #20 (v.3, n.2) January 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Birth After Death" 3 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hatchet Man" 5 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Pied Piper Of Flame" 4 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ruby Riddle" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Patter Of Little Feet" 7 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Strangest Stories Ever Told" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Malay Boot" 1 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Paid in Full" 1 pg  (text)
       "Crash Report" 5 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
   #21 (v.3, n.3) February 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Feathered Serpent" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Warning Voice" 3 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Practical Joker" 4 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Vigil" 1 pg  (text)
       "Valley Of Phantoms" 7 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Mind Reader" 2 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Magic Million" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Ghost Story" 7 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
   #22 (v.3, n.4) March 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Monsters On The Lake" 9 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death By Magic" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Fletcher's Talent" 5 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Stanwick's Theory" 6 pg P:Walton  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ready to Retire" 1 pg  (text)
       "Horrible Herman" 4 pg P:[Prentice] I:[Prentice] Lt:[Oda]
       "Barbados Burial Vault" 2 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Only Job" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Soul Catcher" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #23 (v.3, n.5) April 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Those Who Are About To Die" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Faces Of Death" 5.67 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Race with Death" 1 pg  (text)
       "Land Of The Dead" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Guiding Light" 1 pg  (text)
       "Peg O'Nell's Ghost" 1 pg  
       "Evil Spirit" 5 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
   #24 (v.3, n.6) May 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Changeling" 5.67 pg P:[Roussos]  Lt:[Oda]
       "His Own Business" 1 pg  (text)
       "After I'm Gone" 3.5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Strange Predictions" .5 pg  
       "The Lady Is A Ghost" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Stars Of Fate" 1 pg  
       "The Shadow" 1 pg  
       "Bring Back the Dream" 1 pg  (text)
       "As Real As Life" 6 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
   #25 (v.4, n.1) July 1953 (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Strange Old Bird" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Human Cork" 3 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Light" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Romantic Souls" 6 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Crash" 1 pg  (text)
       "Human Bloodhound" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Escape From The Coffin" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Beast Is In The Streets" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #26 (v.4, n.2) September 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Fool's Paradise" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Beast In You" 5 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Wish" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Sting Of Scorpio" 4 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Strange Antics Of The Mystic Mirror" 3 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Voice" 1 pg  (text)
       "Demon Wind" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #27 (v.4, n.3) November 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Cat People" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Hole In His Head" 6 pg P:[Ditko]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Nightmare" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Merry Ghosts Of Campbell Castle" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ghost Pictures" 1 pg  
       "Murder?" 1 pg  (text)
       "Don't Call On The Dead" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
   #28 (v.4, n.4) January 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "An Eye For An Eye" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Thought Transfer" 1 pg  
       "Screaming Doll" 5 pg P:Benulis  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Light Beyond" 1 pg  (text)
       "Alive After Five Thousand Years" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Great Injustice" 1 pg  
       "Buried Alive" 6 pg P:[Ditko]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Miss Fancher's Living Death" 2 pg P:[Eadeh]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Crystal Ball" 1 pg  (text)
   #29 (v.4, n.5) March 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Monster Of St. Laurant" 4 pg P:[McCarty]  
       "The Greatest Horror Of Them All" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Cure" 1 pg  (text)
       "Madame Cyanide and Mister Tricks" 5 pg P:[Ditko]  
       "Lady in the Moon" 1 pg  (text)
       "Message from a Murder Victim" 3 pg P:[Eadeh]  
       "Cry Of Death" 1.67 pg  
       "Flight Without Wings" 1 pg  
       "The Flying Dutchman" 5 pg P:[McCarty]  
   #30 (v.4, n.6) May 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Head Of The Family" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mental Murder" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ghost In The House" 4 pg P:[Eadeh]  
       "The Devil, You Say" 6 pg  
       "Death Omen" 1 pg  
       "The Black Piano" 1 pg  (text)
       "Lover, Come Back To Me" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #31 (v.5, n.1) July 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Gargoyle" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "A Dish of Jello" 1 pg  (text)
       "Slaughter-House" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Half-Men" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Three Million Bucks" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hungry As A Wolf" 6 pg P:[? & Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #32 (v.5, n.2) September 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Maniac" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Facts On Witchcraft" 1 pg  
       "The Monsters" 4 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut]
       "It" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Little People" 5 pg  
       "The Mirror" 1 pg  
       "Welcome Home" 1 pg  (text)
       "Sir Henry Wilson's Death" 1 pg  
       "The Devil Doll" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin]
   #33 (v.5, n.3) November 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Lone Shark" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Strangest Facts" 1 pg  
       "Apprentice" 1 pg  (text)
       "This Time You'll Die" 5 pg  
       "Wake Up The Dead" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Ring" 1 pg  (text)
       "Mister Tree" 7 pg  
   #34 (v.6, n.1) September 1957  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Immortal Sergeant" 6 pg  
       "The Legend of Karnak" 6 pg  
       "The Hidden Doors" 6 pg  
       "The Masquerade" 7 pg  
   #35 (v.6, n.2) November 1957  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Man Alone" 6 pg  
       "The Immortal" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Old Man" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Valley of the Giants" 7 pg P:Galindo  
   #36 (v.6, n.3 January 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Secret Weapon" 7 pg  
       "The Man From Nowhere" 6 pg  
       "Ashes Of Hate" 5 pg  
       "The Portrait" 6 pg P:Galindo  
   #37 (v.6, n.4 March 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Gold Mine" 6 pg  
       "Cancelled Debt" 5.5 pg  
       "The Survivor" 7 pg  
       "Stranger in 313" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
   #38 (v.6, n.5 May 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Mystic" 6 pg  
       "The Last Role" 6 pg P:Galindo  
       "The Impossible" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Test" 6 pg  
   #39 (v.6, n.6 July 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Abominable Snowman" 6 pg  
       "Food For Thought" 6 pg  
       "The Phantom Ship" 5.67 pg  
       "Double Trouble" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
   #40 (v.7, n.1 September 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Intruders" 7 pg  
       "Flight" 6 pg P:Galindo  
       "The Valley Of Forever" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Writing Machine" 5.67 pg P:Galindo  
   #41 (v.7, n.2 November 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Doorway" 7 pg  
       "The Lonely One" 6 pg  
       "Show of Confidence" 5.67 pg  
       "Davey Jones' Locker" 6 pg P:Galindo  
   #42 (v.7, n.3 July 1960  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Jasper's Jungle" 6 pg  
       "The Man Who Cried Mermaid" 7 pg  
       "Man Reaches Moon" 2 pg  
       "Those Who Vanish" 7 pg  
       "The Night Of August 9th" 7 pg  
   #43 (v.7, n.4 September 1960  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Nightmare" 7 pg  
       "A Warning" 4 pg  
       "The Message" 1 pg  (text)
       "All the Angles" 5 pg  
       "When Your Number Is Up" 5 pg  
       "Panic" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Crystal" 4 pg  
   #44 (v.7, n.5 November 1960  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "I Flew Over The Big Wall" 5 pg P:Galindo  
       "Picture Of Mystery" 4 pg  
       "No Time Like The Present" 4 pg  
       "Where Is Murdock" 4.67 pg  
       "Beyond The Darkness" 7 pg P:Galindo?  
   #45 (v.7, n.6 January 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Man Against Time" 4 pg  
       "The Vision" 6 pg  
       "The Man Who Knew" 6 pg  
       "The People From Nowhere" 5 pg  
       "The Magic Marker" 3.67 pg  
   #46 (v.8, n.1 March 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Man Who Was L'Aiglon" 6 pg  
       "What's In That Box" 6 pg  
       "Only Two Will Return" 5 pg  
       "Domono" 7 pg  
   #47 (v.8, n.2 May 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Latham's Folly" 6 pg  
       "Ashes To Ashes" 4 pg  
       "Maid Of Iron" 4.33 pg  
       "The Living Proof" 4.67 pg  
       "Black Fog" 6 pg  
   #48 (v.8, n.3 July 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Big Medicine" 5 pg  
       "The Gravimonster" 6.67 pg  
       "Dancing Ghost of Geinsch-Warnecke" 5 pg  
       "Derelict Rocket" 7.33 pg  
   #49 (v.8, n.4 September 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Caged" 5 pg  
       "Fear" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Monster" 3 pg  
       "Companion" 7 pg  
       "Late Snack" 1 pg  (text)
       "Carrier" 5 pg  
       "Earth's Core" 4 pg  
   #50 (v.8, n.5 November 1961  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Double Man" 4 pg P:Galindo  
       "Dead End" 3 pg  
       "A Cry For Help" 5 pg  
       "Way Out" 4.67 pg  
       "On Time" 4 pg  
       "Watch On The Rhino" 4 pg  

DC Black Magic Checklist

Last update: 1/17/2009

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Black Magic (National/DC)
  1 (v.1, n.1) November 1973
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "Maniac" 7pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #32 Sep 1954)
    "The Head of the Family" 8pg - (r BM #30 May 1954)
    "The Greatest Horror Of Them All" 5pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #29 Mar 1954)
    "The Vigil" 1pg - (text)
  2 (v.1, n.2) January 1974
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "Fool's Paradise" 6pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #26 Sep 1953)
    "The Cat People" 6pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #27 Nov 1953)
    "Birth After Death" 3pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #20 Jan 1953)
    "Those Who Are About To Die" 5pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #23 Apr 1953)
    "The Red Bird" 1pg - (text)
  3 (v.1, n.3) May 1974
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "Nasty Little Man" 8pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #18 Nov 1952)
    "The Angel Of Death" 7pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #15 Aug 1952)
    "The Courts Of Sleep" 5pg - (r BM #14 Jul 1952)
    "Minuet by Moonlight" 1pg - (illustrated text)
  4 (v.1, n.4) July 1974
    (cover) - p:[Kirby & Grandenetti?] 
    "The Girl The Earth Ate Up" 5pg - (r BM #6 Aug 1951)
    "His Father's Footsteps" 5pg - p:[Meskin] - (r BM #1 Oct 1950)
    "The Man with a Vision" 1pg - (text)
    "Last Second Of Life" 10pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #1 Oct 1950)
  5 (v.1, n.5) September 1974
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "Strange Old Bird" 6pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #25 Jun 1953)
    "It's Your Funeral" 8pg - p:[Meskin] - (r BM #12 May 1952)
    "Up There" 6pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #13 Jun 1952)
    "Warning" 1pg - (text)
  6 (v.1, n.6) November 1974
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "The Thirteenth Floor" 7pg - p:[Prentice] - (r BM #11 Apr 1952)
    "Satan's Sister" 7pg - p:[Draut] - (r B|M #3 Feb 1951)
    "The Girl Who Walked On Water" 6pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #11 Apr 1952)
    "I Wouldn't Let Him Die" 1pg - (text)
  7 (v.1, n.7) January 1975
    (cover) - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #17 Oct 1952)
    "The Cloak" 7pg - p:[Kirby] - (r BM #2 Dec 1950)
    "The Mary Celeste: Ship Of Evil" 1pg - (r BM #17 Oct 1952)
    "Freak" 8pg - p:[Meskin] - (r BM #17 Oct 1952)
    "The Boy Who Was 2000 Years Old" 4pg - (r BM #17 Oct 1952)
    "Murder?" 1pg - (text)
  8 (v.1, n.8) March 1975
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] 
    "When You Were Alive" 6pg - p:[Premiani?] - (r BM #1 Oct 1950)
    "The Girl In The Grave" 5pg - p:[Kirby] - (r SWYD #2 Sep 1952)
    "My  Dolly Is The Devil" 7pg - (r BM #1 Oct 1950)
    "Send Us Your Dreams" 2pg - p:[Kirby] - (r SWYD #3 Nov 1952)
    ""It"" 1pg - (text)
  9 (v.1, n.9) May 1975
    (cover) - p:[Grandenetti] - (r BM #2 Dec 1950)
    "Yesterday You Died" 8pg - p:[Draut] - (r BM #2 Dec 1950)
    "Who Walks In My Dreams" 8pg - p:[Meskin] - (r BM #5 Jun 1951)
    "The Woman In The Tower" 4pg - p:[Kirby] - (r SWYD #3 Nov 1952)
    "Double Destiny" 1pg - p:[Kirby] - (text)

Prize Comics Western Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Prize Comics Western (Prize)
   #69 (v.7, n.2) May 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Carreno]  
       "The Range-Land Snatchers" 13 pg P:[Carreno]  
       "The Lazo Kid" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  
       "The Range-Land Killers" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  
       "The Dude Gets His Duds Dirty" 2 pg  (text)
       "Rod Roper" 8 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Briefer]
       "The Bandit Switched Horses" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "The Galloping Ghost of the Range" 1 pg P:Carreno  
   #70 (v.7, n.3) July 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Carreno  
       "'Dusty' Ballew" 13 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Crazy Ben Strikes It Rich" 7 pg  
       "Fighting For Home" 7 pg  
       "Better Than Barbed Wire" 2 pg W:Alexander  (text)
       "Bullets from th' Rim Rock" 7 pg  
       "The Noose Hangs High" 8 pg P:[Broderick?]  Lt:[Oda]
   #71 (v.7, n.4) September 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Carreno  
       "The Grip of the Gambler" 14 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "The Fire-Gods Revenge" 7 pg  
       "Dusty Rides the War Path" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Wet Noose" 2 pg  (text)
       "Bullets at Salt Lick" 8 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Briefer]
       "Races Against Fate" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
   #72 (v.7, n.5) November 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Carreno  
       "Tequila, The Border Bandit" 14 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Gold Rides the Mail Truck" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Squaring the Circle Nine" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "The Grinning Hole in the Wall" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Grinning Hole in the Wall" 7 pg  
   #73 (v.7, n.6) January 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Carreno  
       "Guns Talk on the Range" 14 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Justice Is Blind" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "The White Nightmare" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Secret of Lost Canyon" 7 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "Bullets at the Boundary" 7 pg  
       "The Black Bull Saves the Ranch" 8 pg P:[Severin]  
   #74 (v.8, n.1) March 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Carreno  
       "Buffalo Killers Are Loose" 14 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Lumber Bandit" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fiery Posse" 7 pg  
       "Sawbones Cupid" 2 pg  (text)
       "Prairie Schooner Ahoy" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fur Pirates of the North Woods" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  Lt:[Oda]
   #75 (v.8, n.2) April 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Mules, Men and Guns" 14 pg W:Werstein P:Carreno  
       "The Railroad Saboteur's" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  
       "The Six-Gun Showdown at Rattlesnake Gulch" 7 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Pioneer Breeding Stock" 2 pg  (text)
       "Black Bull Clears a Ranch Woman's Name" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Secret of the Copper Kettle" 7 pg P:[Carreno]  
   #76 (v.8, n.3) July 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Canadian Pacific" 14 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
       "The Thousand Dollar Forfeit" 7 pg P:[Gregg?]  
       "The Events on the Little Big Horn" 7 pg P:[Gregg?]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Secret of the Superstition Mountains" 2 pg  (text)
       "Trailing the Border Thieves" 7 pg P:[Severin]  
       "A Meteor Saves the Ranch" 8 pg P:[Severin]  
   #77 (v.8, n.4) September 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Streets of Laredo" 14 pg P:M. Bailey  
       "The Wagons Roll Westward" 14 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Unbridled Fury" 2 pg  (text)
       "Black Bull Bulldogs a Bandit" 5 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Briefer]
       "Wild Hogs on the Border" 7 pg P:[Severin]  
   #78 (v.8, n.5) November 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Roughshod" 5 pg P:M. Bailey  
       "Bullet Code" 10 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
       "Showdown on the Chisholm Trail" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Clean Slate" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Ghost of Marales" 7 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Poisoned Water Hole" 9 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #79 (v.8, n.6) January 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Stage To Chino" 10 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
       "Treasure of Death Mountain" 12 pg  
       "The Lost Trail" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "All The Ropes" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Stranger in Benton Bowl" 4 pg P:[Severin & Kurtzman]  
       "Timberline Showdown" 8 pg P:[Kurtzman & Severin]  
   #80 (v.9, n.1) March 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Robin Hood of the Sierras" 7.67 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Gunsmoke Justice" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Trial By Six-Gun" 9.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Rangeland Death" 2 pg  (text)
       "Brand of Death" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Border Menace" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #81 (v.9, n.2) May 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Sheriff Pat Garrett" 7.67 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ghost Riders" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Border Badmen" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Bandits of Barbary" 8 pg  
       "Dusty Trails" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Justice Trail" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder
   #82 (v.9, n.3) July 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "The Preacher" 8 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Lucky Lodestone" 6.67 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Death Draws a Circle" 9 pg P:M. Bailey  
       "The Roundup" 2 pg  (text)
       "Buzzards' Roost" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Outlaw Takes a Wife" 7.67 pg  
   #83 (v.9, n.4) August 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Danger Trail" 9 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "War on the Range" 7.67 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Bill Pickett, the Original Bulldogger" 1 pg  
       "The Last Battle" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 2 pg  (text)
       "Younger Brothers" 6.67 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Lava Creek" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #84 (v.9, n.5) November 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Lynch Law" 9 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Paradise Vally" 7.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]Lt:[Oda]
       "Border Smugglers" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 2 pg  
       "Apache Ambush" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Massacre Trail" 7 pg P:M. Bailey  
   #85 (v.9, n.6) January 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "American Eagle" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Man's Gold" 9 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "One-Man Posse" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Prairie Badman" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]Lt:[Oda]
       "G. R. Freeman - Lawman" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Trail North" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #86 (v.10, n.1) March 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Savage Fury" 10 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Desert Gold" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Six-Gun Savvy" 7.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]Lt:[Oda]
       "War Party" 5.67 pg P:[Stein]  Lt:[Ferguson]
       "Tom Jeffords - Indian Agent" 1 pg  (text)
       "Range War" 7 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
   #87 (v.10, n.2) May 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "War Fever" 10 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Sheriff's Son" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Cloudburst" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Wheels of the West" 1 pg  
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Vengeance Trail" 5.67 pg P:Marcus I:Abel Lt:[Oda]
       "Jim Reavis, Dreamer" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Preacher Goes Home" 7 pg P:M. Bailey  
   #88 (v.10, n.3) July 1951 (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Rebellion" 10 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Death Came too Soon" 6.67 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
       "Ambush" 6.67 pg P:Marcus I:Abel
       "John Brown, Hero" 1 pg  (text)
       "Double Trouble" 7 pg P:M. Bailey  
   #89 (v.10, n.4) September 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "The Last of the Crazy Dogs" 9 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Doom for the Wagon Trains" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]Lt:[Oda]
       "Trouble in Lost Valley" 6.67 pg  
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ghost Town Gold" 6.67 pg P:[Severin?]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The North Plains Indiangs" 1 pg P:[Severin?]  
       "H. Castro, Texan" 1 pg  (text)
       "Death on the River" 7 pg  
   #90 (v.10, n.5) November 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Threat of the Iron Horse" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Middle Plains Indians" 1 pg  
       "Oil Crazy" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Jack Hays, Ranger" 1 pg  (text)
       "Danger in Mexico" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder (text)
       "Six Gun Law" 7 pg P:M. Bailey  
   #91 (v.10, n.6) January 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Buffalo Stampede" 10 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Arrows of Treason" 5.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Gold Express" 6.67 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
       "Francois Aubrey" 1 pg  (text)
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Avalanche" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #92 (v.11, n.1) March 1952  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Renegades on the Yellowstone" 9 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Flight of the Eagle" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Buffalo Stampede" 6.67 pg P:Marcus I:Mastroserio Lt:[Oda]
       "Charles Goodnight" 1 pg  (text)
       "Dope Teen-Age Menace" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Flames of Treachery" 6 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #93 (v.11, n.2) May 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "Sioux War Party" 9 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Stuart's Stranglers" 1 pg  (text)
       "Wolf Pack" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Hootowls of Cactus Gap" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The South Plains Indians" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Smoke Signals" 5.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #94 (v.11, n.3) July 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "Ride with the Redcoats" 10 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Mighty Mite" 1 pg  (text)
       "Night Raiders" 6.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hidden Gold" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #95 (v.11, n.4) September 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "Follow the Eagle" 9 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Old Jim Bridger" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Coming of the Eagle" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Southwest Indians" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Body in the Desert" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #96 (v.11, n.5) November 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "Cheyenne on the Warpath" 9 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Daniel Boone" 1 pg  (text)
       "Rustlers' Trap" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Rescue of the Eagle" 5.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #97 (v.11, n.6) January 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "The Maverick" 8 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Companions of American Eagle" 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Jedediah Smith" 1 pg  (text)
       "Grand Canyon" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Indians of the United States" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Stampede at Dawn" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #98 (v.12, n.1) March 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin I:Elder
       "Half-Breed Rebellion" 8 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Sitting Bull" 2 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Army Beef" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Zebulon Pike" 1 pg  (text)
       "Deserter" 7 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
   #99 (v.12, n.2) May 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "Hidden Gold Mine" 8 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Two-Barrelled Gun" 3 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Blood Indians" 6 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Broken Hand" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cattle Jumpers" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #100 (v.12, n.3) July 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "The Wolf of the Prairies" 9 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Big Foot Wallace" 1 pg  (text)
       "General Philip Henry Sheridan 1831 - 1888" 2 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Six Gun Showdown" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Rocking Chair Rustlers" 6.5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #101 (v.12, n.4) September 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Puk Wudgies" 6 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Barrelled Peace Treaty" 3 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Alexander Majors" 1 pg  (text)
       "Loot At Dead Man's Gap" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Invaders" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #102 (v.12, n.5) November 1953  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "The Losts Ones" 9 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Famous Gun Fighters" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Plunder of the Rio Puerco" 7 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
       "John Wesley Powell" 1 pg  (text)
       "Buffalo Bill Cody" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Horse Thieves" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #103 (v.12, n.6) January 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "Avenger" 7 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Texas Border and the Six Shooter" 3 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Lee Hall" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Pony Express Robber" 7 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bill Langry's Long Shot" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Storm In Port" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #104 (v.13, n.1) March 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "Surprise Attack" 8 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Mal Hombres of Loma Escondida" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "John Clum" 1 pg  (text)
       "Wild Bill" 2 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Missing Calumet" 7 pg P:Severin I:GevanterLt:[Oda]
   #105 (v.13, n.2) May 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "American Eagle" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cochise" 2 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Deadline at Bountiful Basin" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Riding Equipment" 1 pg  
       "Hugh Glass" 1 pg  (text)
       "Chief Gall" 1 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Massacre at Blue Creek" 5 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #106 (v.13, n.3) July 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "Wildcat Hunters" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Medicine Man" 1 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Salt War" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Horses of the Western Plains" 1 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Evolution of Western North America Beef" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Indian Tipi" 1 pg P:Malm  Lt:[Oda]
       "Alexander Major" 1 pg  (text)
       "The City of Death" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #107 (v.13, n.4) September 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "The Wagon Trail" 10 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg P:[Severin]  (text)
       "Desert Duel" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Clay Allison" 3 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Joe Slade" 1 pg  (text)
       "Spirit on Vengeance" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #108 (v.13, n.5) November 1954  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "The Medicine Stick" 8 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Stampede at Snake River" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Stench of Malice" 5 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Joe Pearce" 1 pg  (text)
       "Miracombo's Magic" 4 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
   #109 (v.13, n.6) January 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "The Ghost Bear" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "E. Peabody" 1 pg  (text)
       "Trouble for Bard Grady" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "An Indian Hunch" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Making Camp" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Outrageous Redskins" 5 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
   #110 (v.14, n.1) March 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "Silent Murder" 8 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Tom Peasely" 1 pg  (text)
       "Red Slayers" 5 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Barbwire War" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Danger Stretch" 4 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
   #111 (v.14, n.2) May 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "A Life for a Life" 6.5 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Remi Nadeau" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Old West" .67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Outlaw Trail" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Invisible Weapon" 6 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Hostage" 4 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
   #112 (v.14, n.3) July 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Severin]  
       "The Renegades" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Remuda Rustlers" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Captives in the Wolf Country" 5 pg P:Mastroserio  Lt:[Oda]
       "Pistols of the West" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Weakling" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "T C Henry" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #113 (v.14, n.4) September 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Severin  
       "Laughing Dog's Revenge" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Mississippi Card Sharps" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Claim Jumpers" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Colt's That Won the West" 1 pg P:Severin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Jim Dahlman" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Iron Shirt" 6 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #114 (v.14, n.5) November 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "American Eagle Meets the Maverick" 6 pg P:Stein I:Stein Lt:[Oda]
       "Farmland" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Drifter" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
       "Rustlers" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "American Eagle Discovers a Secret Weapon" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #115 (v.14, n.6) January 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Bad Medicine" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bad Medicine" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
       "Arranges a Duel" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Salt Lake" 1 pg  (text)
       "Crisis at the Crossroads" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #116 (v.15, n.1) March 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Outsmarts the Cheyennes" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Lighting Draw" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
       "Bad Men on the Border" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Fred Harvey" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Home Thieves" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #117 (v.15, n.2) May 1956  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Fury on the Plains" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Weak Boy" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
       "The Acid Test" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Custer" 1 pg  (text)
       "Posse of the Border" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
   #118 (v.15, n.3) July 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Liberty Belle" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mystery of the Calico Pony" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "American Eagle and the Sioux" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Thirsty Mule" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin]Lt:[Oda]
   #119 (v.15, n.4) September 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "American Eagle Battles a Fanged Fury" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Border Bandits" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Sir Gore" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Drifter" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut]Lt:[Oda]
       "Roundup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Gift Horse" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]

Charlie Chan Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Charlie Chan (Prize)
   #1 June 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "The Hit And Run Murder Case" 10 pg P:C. Infantino I:[C. Infantino & Simon]
       "Charlie Chan" 10 pg P:C. Infantino I:C. Infantino
       "Land Of The Leopard Men" 10 pg P:C. Infantino I:C. InfantinoLt:[Oda]
       "The Weasel Of Wall Street" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "He Talked Too Much" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Train Robber's Last Trip" 5 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
   #2 August 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Number One Trouble" 13 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Vanishing Jewel Salesman" 9 pg P:[C. Infantino & Kirby] I:[C. InfantinoLt:[Oda]
       "Murder On The Midway" 8 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Powder Puff Cop" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Toledo Terror" 7 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "Hocus-Pocus Hearse" 6 pg P:Golden  Lt:[Oda]
   #3 October 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "The Secret Of The Smuggled Silk" 10 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Mystery Of The Phantom Killer" 11 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "Charlie Chan" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Anchors Aweigh" 2 pg  (text)
       "Hilly Billy" 4 pg  
       "Keri Krane" 8 pg P:[Briefer] I:[Briefer]
   #4 December 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "The Burial-At-Sea Murder Mystery" 10 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Model Murder Case" 10 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Case Of The Missing Planet" 9 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "Take It Easy" 2 pg  (text)
       "Cassidy The Movie Cop" 5 pg  
       "Keri Krane" 8 pg P:[Briefer] I:[Briefer]
   #5 February 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "The Antique Burglar" 11 pg P:[Briefer] I:[Briefer] Lt:[Briefer]
       "Murder On Ice" 10 pg P:[Briefer] I:[Briefer] Lt:[Briefer]
       "The Dude Ranch Hold-Up" 11 pg P:[Briefer] I:[Briefer] Lt:[Briefer]
       "The Promotion" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Fox Of Paris" 5 pg P:[C. Infantino] I:[C. Infantino] Lt:[Oda]
       "Floating Mine Racket" 6 pg P:Stallman I:StallmanLt:[Oda]

Charlie Chan (Charlton)
   #6 June 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby] I:[Kirby]
       "See No Evil" 6 pg  Lt:[Ferguson?]
       "Pawns Of Peril" 7 pg  Lt:[Ferguson?]
       "Pitfall" 7 pg W:[Oleck]  Lt:[Ferguson?]
       "Tracer Of Missing People" 2 pg  
       "Conscience Killed Him" 2 pg  
   #7 August 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Silent Witness" 6 pg  Lt:[Ferguson?]
       "The Talking Stone Face" 6 pg  
       "Trick Ending" 7 pg  
       "Lion Tamer" 6 pg  
   #8 October 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Clever Victim" 6 pg  
       "The Emerald Turtle" 6 pg  
       "The Lock Without a Key" 7 pg  
       "Beat in the Bushes" 6 pg  
   #9 December 1955  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Troublesome Time" 6 pg  
       "Fool's Gold" 6 pg  
       "Flanagan's Bank" 6 pg  
       "The Penalty" 6 pg  

Justice Traps the Guilty Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Justice Traps the Guilty (Prize) 
   #1 (v.1, n.1) October 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "I Was A Come-On Girl For Broken Bones, Inc." 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "G-Man Trap" 6 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Draut]
       "The Trial Of San Francisco's Strangest Killer" 6 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Firebug" 4 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death Takes a 'Hitch'" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Head In The Window" 7 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Try An FBI Test" 4 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Draut]
       "The Case Against Scarface" 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #2 (v.1, n.2) December 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Gun Moll" 11 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Killer Thought He Was Satan" 7 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Sudden Switch for Murder" 2 pg  (text)
       "You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Trap A Criminal" 6 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Murdering Bender Family" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The True Life Story Of Alvin Karpis" 12 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #3 (v.1, n.3) March 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Buried Treasure Fraud" 12 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "So Many Ways To Die" 8 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Capture Of Night-Club-Nick" 8 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Suicide or Murder" 2 pg  (text)
       "My Strangest Crime Case" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Ask Eddie Green, Consultant to Crime" 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #4 (v.1, n.4) May 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Queen Of The Speed-Ball Mob" 13 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Lincoln Tomb Thieves" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Guilty Boys" 9 pg P:[Robinson & Meskin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Strange Jury Room" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Half-Pint Killer" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Counterfeit Cash" 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #5 (v.1, n.5) July 1948  
       "Fight Fix" 13 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Murder Special Delivery" 8 pg P:Robinson & Meskin  Lt:[Oda]
       "Al Spencer, Last Of The Old West Bandits" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Hand and Foot" 2 pg  (text)
       "Held For Ransom" 7 pg P:Hollingsworth  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Fortune In Slugs" 8 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #6 (v.1, n.6) September 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Money-Making Machine Swindlers" 14 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mind Over Murder" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Amazing 3 Sinister Salesmen" 7 pg P:Hollingsworth  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Unwilling Suicide" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Capture Of One-Eye" 6 pg P:[Kirby & ?]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Gerald Woodworth, The Vanishing Bandit" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #7 (v.2, n.1) November 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Phony Check Racketeers" 15 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Burke And Hare" 7 pg P:Golden  Lt:[Oda]
       "Desperate Bad Man" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Deaf But Not Dumb" 2 pg  (text)
       "Paris Manhunt" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man Who Died Twice" 8 pg P:Broderick  Lt:[Oda]
   #8 (v.2, n.2) January 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Underworld Snob" 7 pg P:[Kirby] &  I:[Broderick?] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Violent Mr. Peace" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "First Great Detective" 8 pg P:[Krigstein]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The First Hundred Are the Hardest" 2 pg  (text)
       "End Of A Blackmailer" 7 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
       "Joe Slade, Wild West Jekyll And Hyde Desperado" 9 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Masked Killer" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:Typeset
   #9 (v.2, n.3) April 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "This Way To The Gallows" 10 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Hot Car Thugs" 8 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Plot Against Old Moneybags" 7 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Bodies Murder Case" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Last Mistake Of Fatal Louise" 7 pg P:Nicholson I:Belfp Lt:[Oda]
       "Willie The Actor" 10 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #10 (v.2, n.4) June 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Man Who Stole A Train" 10 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hot Ice" 8 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Counterfeit" 7 pg P:Belfi  Lt:[Oda]
       "Clue of the Slingshot" 2 pg  (text)
       "Death Played Second Fiddle" 10 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
       "Confidence Man" 9 pg P:Krigstein  Lt:[Oda]
   #11 (v.2, n.5) August 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Small-Time Crooks" 8 pg P:[Stein?] I:[Stein?] Lt:[Oda]
       "Shoulders' Malone, The Chopper" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Amateur Hypnotist" 6 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Insurance Sleuth" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Counterfeit" 2 pg  (text)
       "Hijackers" 6.5 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Tragedy Of Tom Horn" 9 pg P:Severin I:Belfi Lt:[Oda]
   #12 (v.2, n.6) October 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Air Cop" 8 pg P:[Stein?] I:[Stein?] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Keeper Of The Blood-Hound" 8 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Stooge In Satan's School" 9 pg  
       "Madam Monster" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Hidden Gun" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Nightmare Murder Mystery" 7 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Oda]
   #13 (v.3, n.1) December 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Slot Machine Payoff" 10 pg P:[Gregg]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Two-Bit Touch Off" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "How the G-Men Got Their Name" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Bite of Death" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Almost Perfect Crime" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Last Ride" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "One Way Willie" 9 pg P:[Gregg]  Lt:[Oda]
   #14 (v.3, n.2) February 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Knockout Racket" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Seven Keys To Sing Sing" 8 pg P:Severin I:ElderLt:[Oda]
       "The Masquerader" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fake Lynch Mob" 2 pg  (text)
       "Sawney - King Of The Villains" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man Who Talked Himself To Death" 8 pg P:[Gregg]  
   #15 (v.3, n.3) April 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Basketball Bribe" 9.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Trial By Fire" 6.67 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Little Sir]
       "The Sheriff''s Vow" 7 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Little Sir]
       "Death of a Gentleman" 2 pg  (text)
       "Death On The Assembly Line" 7.67 pg P:[Gregg?]  Lt:[Little Sir]
       "Master Of Flim-Flam" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #16 (v.3, n.4) June 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Carnival Of Crime" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Little Sir]
       "Death Knows No Depth" 6.67 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Petty Case" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Foxy Crook" 2 pg  (text)
       "Smart Guy" 7.67 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
       "One-Man Mob" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #17 (v.3, n.5) August 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Loan Shark" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Best Seller" 6.67 pg P:Gregg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Mystery of the Accusing Stains" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Place To Hide" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 2 pg  (text)
       "It's Against The Law" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Too Perfect" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Statue Screams" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #18 (v.3, n.6) September 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Pirates Of The Poor" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Optical Illusion" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Way To Prison" 6.67 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 2 pg  (text)
       "Silent Witness" 6 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Fall Guy" 9 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
   #19 (v.4, n.1) October 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Alibi Guy" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The 7th Day" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Self-Made Mouthpiece" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Fortune In Furs" 7.67 pg P:Gregg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Elusive Braggart" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Big Idea Man" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Deadlier Than The Male" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #20 (v.4, n.2) November 1950
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Payoff In Pain" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Curse Of Me-Meb" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Two Dollars Too Much" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Weakest Link" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cops Don't Cry" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Human Cargo" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #21 (v.4, n.3) December 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Counterfeit" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Can't Kill Me" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "O'Hara Had A Heart" 6.67 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "G.I. Housing Swindle" 7.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Black Handbag" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Dead Can't Sleep" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #22 (v.4, n.4) January 1951 (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Talent Fakers" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Proof" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Brute Force" 6.67 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bad Medicine" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Suspicious Son" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hideout" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #23 (v.4, n.5) February 1951 (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Terror Mob" 10 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "Prevue Of Death" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Deaf, Dumb & Doomed" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Death Stone" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Not Quite Perfect" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bullets For Christmas" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #24 (v.4, n.6) March 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Big Time Fence" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Day of Reckoning" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Jackpot" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Very Unusual Gent" 5.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Stolen Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Handful of Death" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #25 (v.4, n.7) April 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Hijackers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Menace at Large" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death Trap" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Recoil" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Dirty Look" 1 pg  (text)
       "House of Terror" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #26 (v.4, n.8) May 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Hot Car Racket" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "His Own Executioner" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Way Out" 7.67 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Fool's Gold" 6 pg P:Marcus I:Abel Lt:[Oda]
       "The Unmilked Cow" 1 pg  (text)
       "On The Record" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #27 (v.4, n.9) June 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Sky Smugglers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Death By Proxy" 6.67 pg P:Marcus I:Abel Lt:[Oda]
       "T-Man Blitz" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Mail Fraud" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Job Wanted Murders" 1 pg  (text)
       "Houdini of the Underworld" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #28 (v.4, n.10) July 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "I Was a Counterfeiter" 10 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Superstitious Bandit" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Fear, Inc." 6.67 pg P:Marcus I:Abel Lt:[Georgie]
       "Triumph of Science" 1 pg  (text)
       "Foto Frame-Up" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #29 (v.4, n.11) August 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Extortion" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Willie The Whiz" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Time Trap" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "The Danby Case" 1 pg  (text)
       "Rat Hole" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #30 (v.4, n.12) September 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Heist Mob" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Monster In The Parlor" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Slave To Habit" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "The Lucky Number" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Garlic Trail" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Trail Of Doom" 6.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Georgie]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Dead Man's Debt" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #31 (v.5, n.1) October 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Big Time Mobster" 10 pg P:[Stein]  Lt:[Oda]
       "335 Days Of Terror" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "The Little Giant" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "The FBI and Mr. Eel" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Grudge Killer" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Less Than Zero" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Angel Of Death" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Georgie]
   #32 (v.5, n.2) November 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Shoplifting Syndicate" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Deadliest Game" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Knockout Punch" 1 pg  (text)
       "Underworld Banker" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Very Careful Guy" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Georgie]
   #33 (v.5, n.3) December 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Fake Heir Swindle" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Straight To The Chair" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Deadly Dime" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "The False Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Monster On The Midway" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #34 (v.5, n.4) January 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Million Dollar Medicine Racket" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Old-Timer" 5.67 pg  
       "The Love That Kills" 6.67 pg  
       "Smart Baby" 1 pg  (text)
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Dead Man's Double" 6.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #35 (v.5, n.5) February 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Alien Blackmail Ring" 10 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "The Outcast" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Merchant Of Death" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Staged Alibi" 1 pg  (text)
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Fall Guy" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #36 (v.5, n.6) March 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Hot Freight Mob" 10 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "Blackmail in Reverse" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "His Big Mouth" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Georgie]
       "Fatal Message" 1 pg  (text)
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Find the Woman" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #37 (v.5, n.7) April 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Head-Hunters" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Photo Finish" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Weight" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "No Escape" 6 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Breakout" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Georgie]
   #38 (v.5, n.8) May 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "One Way Payoff" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Stone Wall" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mr. Double Cross" 6.67 pg P:M. Bailey  Lt:[Oda]
       "Cat Trap" 1 pg  (text)
       "14 Carat Payoff" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #39 (v.5, n.9) June 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Food Profiteers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Born Bad" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Overbid Hand" 1 pg  (text)
       "Terror" 6.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Paid In Full" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #40 (v.5, n.10) July 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "King of the Dock Rackets" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "One Way to the Chair" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Guilt Complex" 1 pg  (text)
       "Backfire" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #41 (v.5, n.11) August 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Protection Racket" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "No Place To Hide" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Hunted Look" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Flames Of Hate" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Big Job" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #42 (v.5, n.12) September 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Scandal Sheet Shakedown" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Quicksand" 6 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
       "Imprint" 1 pg  (text)
       "Diamonds Are Poison" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "It's Against The Law" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Arbiter" 7.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #43 (v.6, n.1) October 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Twentieth Century Pirates" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Perfect Setup" 3 pg P:Marcus I:MastroserioLt:[Oda]
       "Restless Dead" 5.67 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "One Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ticket to the Gallows" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Cappy]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Too Smart to Burn" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #44 (v.6, n.2) November 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Babies on the Block" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Hide-Out" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Hard Way" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hotter Than a Firecracker" 5 pg  Lt:[Cappy]
       "Three Time Killer" 1 pg  (text)
       "Gallows Bait" 5.67 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
   #45 (v.6, n.3) December 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Framer" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Destined To Kill" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mail Trap" 1 pg  (text)
       "Embezzlement" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hoodlums Must Die" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Easy Money" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Cappy]
   #46 (v.6, n.4) January 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "KO Syndicate" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Ears Of Justice" 2 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Murder Solved By Fate" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Modus Operandi" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Roped In" 1 pg  (text)
       "Too Smart" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Sniper" 7 pg  Lt:[Cappy]
   #47 (v.6, n.5) February 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Taxi Tricksters" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Payoff" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Hard Luck Guy" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Jumbled Clues" 1 pg  (text)
       "Too Perfect" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Caught" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #48 (v.6, n.6) March 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Hockey Fixers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Strange Facts About Crime" .67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Trapped" 1 pg  (text)
       "Face of Death" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "West Meets West" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Web of Pain" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #49 (v.6, n.7) April 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Duel Passports" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Senor Wise Guy" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Braggart" 1 pg  (text)
       ".38 Caliber Casanova" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Too Smart To Live" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #50 (v.6, n.8) May 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Ex-Con Shakedown" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Weak Link" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Escape" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Alibi" 1 pg  (text)
       "Death Warrant" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #51 (v.6, n.9) June 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Mob Rule" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "TheTwo-Way Con" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Third Strike" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death Gun" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Great Strongo" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #52 (v.6, n.10) July 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Vandals" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Con Game" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Cancelled" 1 pg  (text)
       "Organized for Arson" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Fake Alibi" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Justice Laughs" 2 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Gang Doctor" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #53 (v.6, n.11) August 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Wreckers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Victim" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Boomerang" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Me Too" 1 pg  (text)
       "Present for Pop" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #54 (v.6, n.12) September 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Racket Guy" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Panhandler" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hoods Die Young" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Polio Message-Gamma Globulin" 1 pg  (text)
       "Fatal Mistake" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #55 (v.7, n.1) October 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Inheritance Payoff" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Rebound" 4 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Miser" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Shorthand Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Ape Man Crimes" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #56 (v.7, n.2) November 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Hitch Heisters" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "G-Man Payoff" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Big Fool" 1 pg  (text)
       "Tropical Alibi" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Side-Liner" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #57 (v.7, n.3) December 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Salvage Sharks" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Wrong" 4 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Big Loser" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Weird Epidemic" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Tri-State Terror" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #58 (v.7, n.4) January 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Swindler" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Something to Kill For" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Last Laugh" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeup" 1 pg  (text)
       "Desert Justice" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Cotton Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Two-Gun Crowley" 1 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #59 (v.7, n.5) February 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Stick-Up Mob" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Deadly Circle" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Homicide By Proxy" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Conscience" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cyanide Is For Saps" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #60 (v.7, n.6) March 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Body Snatchers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Voice From The Dead" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Tomb For Two" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fight Against Crime" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Death Mask" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hammer Murder" 1 pg  (text)
       "Benny Goes Straight" 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #61 (v.7, n.7) April 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Safecrackers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Lucky 7 - 11" 1 pg  (text)
       "Pretty Boy Floyd" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Legacy of Doom" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Boomerang" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #62 (v.7, n.8) May 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "King of the Beggers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Ricochet" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "One Error" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Last Leap" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Case of the Double Identity" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Fall Guy" 1 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #63 (v.7, n.9) June 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Highway Pirates" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Deadly Detour" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Deadly Gimmick" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Awol Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Big Wheel" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #64 (v.7, n.10) July 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Gangland Regime" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Trackers" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Gentleman Farmer" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Big Break" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Double-Crosser" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #65 (v.7, n.11) August 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Blind Man's Bluff" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Take" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "One Slug Short" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Secret Seeds" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Funeral Dress" 1 pg  (text)
       "Deadly Reunion" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #66 (v.7, n.12) September 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Always A Cop" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Identification" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Green-Eyed Monster" 4 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "V.I.P." 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Moment Of Decision" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #67 (v.8, n.1) October 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Tough Cop" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Polio Facts" 1 pg  (text)
       "Feud" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Once a Cop, Always a Cop" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Two in the Grave" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #68 (v.8, n.2) November 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "T-Man Trap" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Flatfoot" 4 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Cop Gone Wrong" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Clockwork" 1 pg  (text)
       "Not Fit for Duty" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #69 (v.8, n.3) December 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Pawn" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Flames Of Sabotage" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Find The Corpse" 5 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Insurance" 1 pg  (text)
       "Small Town Cop" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #70 (v.8, n.4) January 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Feud" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Bad Alibi" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Fix" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Dead Man's Gold" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "There's Always a Clue" 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "A Day's Work" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #71 (v.8, n.5) February 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Federal Manhunt" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Insider" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Trapped" 1 pg  (text)
       "Escape" 4 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Long Chance" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #72 (v.8, n.6) March 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Spirit Swindlers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Saucer Man" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Close Shave" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Chance Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bluff" 4.5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #73 (v.8, n.7) April 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Traitors" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Confessions" 1 pg  (text)
       "Moral Victory" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Treasure Hunt" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Post of Honor" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Police Patrol" .5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #74 (v.8, n.8) May 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Hood" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Stakeout" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Frameup" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Flying High" 1 pg  (text)
       "Bold Deception" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Oddities in Crime News" .5 pg P:[Stein?]  Lt:[Oda]
   #75 (v.8, n.9) June 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Tragic Circle" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Sand Ore" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Misfit" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Sentence" 3.5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Jackpot" 2 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Police Custody" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #76 (v.8, n.10) July 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "River Rats" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Just Cash" 1 pg  (text)
       "Two Old Friends" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Savvy" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Tour of Duty" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #77 (v.8, n.11) August 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Counterfeit Pushers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Double Trouble" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hand of Fate" 6 pg P:Lazarus  Lt:[Oda]
       "Scrap Paper" 1 pg  (text)
       "Harbor Patrol" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #78 (v.8, n.12) September 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Undercover Man" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Courage" 1 pg  (text)
       "Suicide Mission" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Old Timer" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Motorcycle" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #79 (v.9, n.1) December 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Skin Game" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ace in the Hole" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Blackmailers" 6 pg P:Roussos I:RoussosLt:[Oda]
       "Radio Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Firebug" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #80 (v.9, n.2) February 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Shadow of Doom" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "A Dollar Bill with Character" 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Double Play" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Silent Witness" 5 pg P:Meskin I:MeskinLt:[Oda]
       "Social Note" 1 pg  (text)
       "Skin Deep" 5 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #81 (v.9, n.3) April 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Secret Agent" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Pitfall" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Debt Of Honor" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Trade In" 1 pg  (text)
       "Country Cop" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Hit-And-Run Driver" .67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #82 (v.9, n.4) May 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Payroll Pirates" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Fatal Error" 6 pg P:[McCarty]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Doomsday" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Fraud" 1 pg  (text)
       "Face To Face" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #83 (v.9, n.5) October 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Big Failure" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Policeman's Holiday" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Masqueraders" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Jungle Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Duty Bound" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #84 (v.9, n.6) December 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Stakeout" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Smuggler" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Fickle Lady Luck" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Peaceful Man" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Wreckers" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #85 (v.10, n.1) February 1957
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Head Man" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Coffee Man" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Coward's Brand" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Bad Actor" 1 pg  (text)
       "Eight Hours To Alcatraz" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #86 (v.10, n.2) April 1957
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Traitors" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Handprint" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cancelled" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Decoy" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Paid in Full" 5.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #87 (v.10, n.3) June 1957
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Payroll Bandits" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Wall Of Silence" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Skin Game" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Crusader" 1 pg  (text)
       "Moment Of Decision" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
   #88 (v.10, n.4) August 1957
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Spoilers" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Iron Man" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Mister Somebody" 5 pg P:[Roussos] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "Kingsize" 1 pg  (text)
       "Message from Beyond" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
   #89 (v.10, n.5) October 1957  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Orlando  
       "The Counterfeit Combine" 7 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Printed Word" 6 pg P:[Galindo]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Watchman" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Music Score" 1 pg  (text)
       "Trial by Fire" 6 pg P:[Galindo?]  Lt:[Oda]
   #90 (v.10, n.5) December 1957  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Orlando]  
       "Fire Crazy" 7 pg  
       "License Number" 1 pg  (text)
       "Personal Favor" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Way of Honor" 6 pg P:[Galindo]  
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Fugitive" 6 pg  
   #91 (v.11, n.1) February 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Orlando]  
       "G-Man Justice" 7 pg P:Galindo  
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Man of Importance" 6 pg  
       "Decoy" 6 pg  
       "Headlines" 1 pg  (text)
       "Power Failure" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
   #92 (v.11, n.2) April 1958  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Marked Man" 7 pg P:[Orlando]  
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Also Serve" 6 pg P:Galindo  
       "On Ice" 5 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Call of Duty" 6 pg  
       "Bogus Check" 1 pg  (text)

Headline Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Headline (Prize)
   #23 (v.2, n.11) March 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Last Bloody Days Of Babyface Nelson" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Design for Death" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Doctor Is Missing" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "The Bear Skull Trail To Death" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Burned At The Stake" 10 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "To My Valentine" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Killer In The Kitchen" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
   #24 (v.2, n.12) May 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Trapping New England's Chain Murderer" 9 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Murder On A Wave Length" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Grim Pay-Off For The Pinball Mob" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "A Phantom Pulls The Trigger" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "The Thing Inside Bob Tate" 2 pg  (text)
       "You Can't Forget A Killer" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "The Case Of The Floating Corpse" 4 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
   #25 (v.3, n.1) July 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Masquerade Of Eddie The Doll" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Murder's Reward" 7 pg  Lt:[Fred]
       "Prophet of Death" 4 pg P:Powell  Lt:[Fred]
       "Blind Man's Death" 7 pg  Lt:[Fred]
       "Justice?" 2 pg  (text)
       "Death Takes A Honeymoon" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Fred]
       "Pay Up Or Die" 7 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Case Of The Forgetful Killer" 4 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #26 (v.3, n.2) September 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "The Life And Death Of Public Enemy Number One" 10 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "You Can't Fool A G-Man Twice" 6 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Test Of Death" 4 pg  Lt:?
       "The Strange Aftermath Of The Kansas City Massacre" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "On The Spot" 2 pg  (text)
       "Beyond The Law" 7 pg  Lt:?
       "Bullets For The Bogus G-Man" 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #27 (v.3, n.3) November 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Stella Mae Dickson, The Bobby Sox Bandit Queen" 13 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Guns Of Jesse James" 8 pg Ly:[Kirby] P:[?]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Death Of The Gambler King" 7 pg P:Draut I:[Draut]Lt:[Oda]
       "The Spark of Murder" 2 pg  (text)
       "Bring Me His Corpse" 4 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Spirit Swindlers" 11 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #28 (v.3, n.4) February 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "I Worked For The Fence" 13 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Trapping Chicago's Speed-Demon Mob" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Postage Stamp Swindle" 7 pg P:[Robinson & Meskin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Lone Wolf" 2 pg  (text)
       "Machine-Gun Kelly, Kidnapper" 7 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Murder Makes Bad Medicine" 8 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
   #29 (v.3, n.5) April 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Insurance Reward Racket" 14 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Don't Let Wilber Squeal" 8 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Night Of The Freak Murder" 8 pg P:[Robinson & Meskin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "An Expensive Auto Ride" 2 pg  (text)
       "Hide-Away Town" 5 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Sisters Of Satan" 8 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #30 (v.3, n.6) June 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Numbers Racket" 15 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Witch Murders" 7 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Pistol-Packin' Playgirl" 5 pg P:Hollingsworth  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Roasted Mail-Robber Ghost" 2 pg  (text)
       "Menace In The Making" 7 pg P:Draut I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Bullet-Proof Bad Man" 9 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
   #31 (v.4, n.1) August 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Pickpocket Gang" 14 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "Perfect For Murder" 8 pg P:Nicholas  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Gangster Dies" 6 pg P:Broderick  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Trap" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Female Furies Of The Old West" 7 pg P:Hollingsworth  Lt:[Oda]
       "They Kidnapped The Parole Board" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #32 (v.4, n.2) October 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Counterfeit Team" 12 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Mystery Of Room 712" 8 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Clue Of The Horoscope" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "A Grave Crime" 2 pg  (text)
       "G Man Blitz" 7 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Terror Of The Everglades" 8 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #33 (v.4, n.3) December 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Premeditated Homicide" 15 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man Who Stole An Ocean Liner" 6 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "The FBI And The Gun-Happy Robber" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  (text)
       "How The FBI Trapped The Booby Trap Slayer" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  (text)
       "A Mother's Ominous Dream" 6 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "What Price Faith" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Shattered Alibi" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Underworld Parasite" 7 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
   #34 (v.4, n.4) February 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "Blackhearted Tony" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Outlaw Down-Under" 8 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
       "Twenty Second Story Man" 9 pg P:Guinta I:StallmanLt:[Oda]
       "The Frozen Fingerprints" 2 pg  (text)
       "Double-Cross" 9 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Medium Done Murder Case" 8 pg P:[Starr]  Lt:[Oda]
   #35 (v.4, n.5) May 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Kirby  
       "Dead Or Alive" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Deadly Gilas" 7 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Great Mouthpiece" 7 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
       "Georgie's Last Ride" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Independence Day" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Golf Links Murder" 5 pg P:Stallman  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fabulous Baldwins" 7 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
   #36 (v.4, n.6) July 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Odds Against Murder" 9 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Masquerading Bandits" 7 pg P:Rockwell  Lt:[Oda]
       "Shoe-Box Annie" 8 pg P:[Broderick]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Tell-Tale Letter" 2 pg  (text)
       "Dutch Joe Cretzer's Other Business" 8 pg P:[Briefer]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hip Sing Tong" 8 pg P:[Severin?]  Lt:[Oda]
   #37 (v.5, n.1) September 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Death Of A Menace" 8 pg P:Donahue  Lt:[Oda]
       "Unlucky In Crime" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Threat Of The Clan" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Accusing Match" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Revenge" 2 pg  (text)
       "One-Man Posse" 8 pg P:Severin I:BelfiLt:[Oda]
       "The Artistic Swindler" 8 pg P:[Premiani]  Lt:[Oda]
   #38 (v.5, n.2) November 1949  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Train Robbery Of 1949" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Clue That Stuck" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "No Escape" 5 pg P:[Severin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Rat Trap" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Revenge" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Dog-Nappers" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #39 (v.5, n.3) January 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "The Boiler Room Racket" 10 pg P:[Stein?] I:[Stein?] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Cheapest Thief in the World" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Fingerman" 8 pg  
       "New Year Murder" 2 pg  (text)
       "Author of Violence" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Arctic Ambush" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #40 (v.5, n.4) March 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "The Case Of Joe Andrews" 9.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Counterfeit Winners" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Justice Has Icy Fingers" 7 pg P:[M. Bailey]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Human Bloodhound" 2 pg  (text)
       "Inside Information" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Man Of Many Faces" 8 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #41 (v.5, n.5) May 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Octopus of the Underworld" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Reservation for Death" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Know Your FBI" 2 pg  
       "J. Edgar Takes a Hand" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "J. Edgar Hoover" 2 pg  (text)
       "G-Man Savvy" 6.67 pg  
       "Guns for Sale" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #42 (v.5, n.6) July 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Ghost Racket" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Jewels of Death" 6.67 pg P:[Gregg]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Boomerang" 7 pg  Lt:[Little Sir]
       "Black Magic ad" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  (advertisement)
       "Closeups" 2 pg  (text)
       "Diary of a Lawbreaker" 7.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Gang War" 7.67 pg P:[M. Bailey]  
   #43 (v.6, n.1) September 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Photo  
       "Shakedown" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Dig Your Own Grave" 7.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Scales Of Justice" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Hit Of The Show" 6.67 pg P:[Gregg]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 2 pg  (text)
       "Ticket To Alcatraz" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Our Swords Will Find You" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #44 (v.6, n.2) November 1950  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Racket Empire" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Feathered Serpent" 7.67 pg P:Severin I:Elder Lt:[Oda]
       "Too Many Corpses" 6.67 pg P:[Gregg]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Chapped Hands" 1 pg  (text)
       "Demon Ship" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dynamite" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #45 (v.6, n.3) January 1951  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Kirby]  
       "Penny Shakedown" 10 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "City In Terror" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Eddie Was No Gent" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Homocide- C.O.D." 6.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Dual Personality" 1 pg  (text)
       "Name Your Assassin" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #46 (v.6, n.4) March 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Enemy Of Reform" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Beyond The Grave" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Buried Alive" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Death Flight" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ashes of Guilt" 1 pg  (text)
       "Jungle Sleuth" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #47 (v.6, n.5) May 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Fixer" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Deadly Double-Cross" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Living Dead" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "A Dead Man's Shadow" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Accusing Ledger" 1 pg  (text)
       "Madman At Work" 7 pg  
   #48 (v.6, n.6) July 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "This Match For Hire" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Leech Of The Underworld" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Racket Squad" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Play Dead" 1 pg  (text)
       "Loophole" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #49 (v.7, n.1) September 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Speedway Racketeers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "One Foot In The Grave" 6.67 pg  
       "Shroud For A Killer" 6.67 pg  
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Come Share My Tomb" 7.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Black Box" 1 pg  (text)
       "Female Of The Species" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #50 (v.7, n.2) November 1951
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Muscle Man" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Legacy of Death" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "One Mad Dog" 1 pg  (text)
       "Time to Kill" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Cross and Double Cross" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #51 (v.7, n.3) January 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "King Of The Stool Pigeons" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "I Murdered Myself" 5.67 pg P:M. Bailey  
       "Passport To The Grave" 6.67 pg P:Marcus I:AbelLt:[Oda]
       "Hitchhike Killer" 1 pg  (text)
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Scheduled To Die" 7 pg  
   #52 (v.7, n.4) March 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Hideout Racket" 10 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
       "Voyage of Vengeance" 4.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Telltale Match" 1 pg  (text)
       "You Only Die Once" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Dope, Teen-Age Menace" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Coffin for a Killer" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #53 (v.7, n.5) May 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Business Buccaneers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Perfect Master-Mind" 5.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Initial Loss" 1 pg  (text)
       "Getaway" 5.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Accusing Corpse" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #54 (v.7, n.6) July 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Homicide Peddlers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Dirt Cheap" 1 pg  (text)
       "Shadow of the Gallows" 6.67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Twice Dead" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #55 (v.8, n.1) September 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Grab-Bag King" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Mr. Underground" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Turnabout" 1 pg  (text)
       "Death in the Swamp" 7 pg  
   #56 (v.8, n.2) November 1952
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Charity Chiselers" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "An Eye For An Eye" 6.67 pg  Lt:[Cappy]
       "Shoe Tipoff" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Has-Been" 6.67 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
   #57 (v.8, n.3) January 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Counterfeit" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Deadly Alibi" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Public Eye" 1 pg  (text)
       "See No Evil" 7 pg W:[Oleck?]  Lt:[Oda]
   #58 (v.8, n.4) March 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Merchant of Death" 10 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Pitchfork Death" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hex Marks the Spot" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Crime Oddities" .67 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Blazing Justice" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #59 (v.8, n.5) May 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Getaway Mob" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Lines on the Map" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Deadly Angle" 1 pg  (text)
       "Killers Are Never Alone" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Find the Corpse" 5 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
   #60 (v.8, n.6) July 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Finger Man" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "F.B.I. Radio Broadcast" 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Perfect Fit" 1 pg  (text)
       "G-Man Payoff" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Curious Crime Facts" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Circle of Death" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #61 (v.9, n.1) September 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Moonshine" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Homicide that Wasn't" 2 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Brain of the Underworld" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Candy Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "Murder Solved By Mud" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "First Mistake" 7 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #62 (v.9, n.2) November 1953
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Espionage" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Efficiency System" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Blind Alley" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Blather Mouth" 1 pg  (text)
       "Kiss Of Death" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #63 (v.9, n.3) January 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Slave Peddlers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Time To Kill" 4 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Counterfeit G-Man" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Too Perfect Getaway" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Legal Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Perfect Hideout" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #64 (v.9, n.4) March 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Black Hand" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Red Roses in Kerosene" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Savage Circle" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Play" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Innocent Murderer" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Long Green" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Big Pay-Off" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #65 (v.9, n.5) May 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Syndicate Boss" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Appointment with Death" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Home to Homicide" 4.67 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Love Letters" 1 pg  (text)
       "Gift for a Killer" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
   #66 (v.9, n.6) July 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Ransom" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Murder Will Out" 3 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Manhunt" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Soft Touch" 2 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Capsules" 1 pg  (text)
       "G-Men Are Poison" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #67 (v.10, n.1) September 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The River Pirates" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Death Trap" 3 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Chain Reaction" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Egotist" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Tenpin Clue" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Witness" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #68 (v.10, n.2) November 1954
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Charity Racketeers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Road To Alcatraz" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Grim Lesson" 4 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Inside Job" 1 pg  (text)
       "Speed Merchant" 6 pg P:Stein I:SteinLt:[Oda]
   #69 (v.10, n.3) January 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "Homicide In The Headlines" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Freezeout" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "The Old Gun" 4 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "$20 Holdup" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Honorable Way" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
   #70 (v.10, n.4) March 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein]
       "The Roller Derby Racketeers" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Smart Guy" 4.5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Matchbook" 1 pg  (text)
       "Face of Death" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Flames of Destruction" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #71 (v.10, n.5) May 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "The Hot Ice Heisters" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Crusader" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Roussos] Lt:[Oda]
       "There's Always A Way" 4 pg P:Banks  Lt:[Oda]
       "Double Play" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Robbery" 1 pg  (text)
   #72 (v.10, n.6) July 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Jig-Saw" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Blue Thread" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ordeal By Fire" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Puzzle" 4 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Police Procedure in Crime" 1 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "My Beat" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #73 (v.11, n.1) September 1955
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Prison Riot" 8 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Brown Border" 1 pg  (text)
       "Circumstantial Evidence" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Final Winner" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Big Man" 6 pg P:Meskin I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #74 (v.11, n.2) January 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Brainwash at Hong Kong" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Headlines" 1 pg  (text)
       "'Flash' Cameron, Photographer" 6 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "Never See Morning" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Flashes" 1 pg  (text)
       "Money From Nowhere" 7 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #75 (v.11, n.3) March 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Curse of the River Diamonds" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Innocent" 1 pg  (text)
       "Duke Kennedy" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
       "Hot Stuff" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "The Fight Fan" 6 pg P:[Meskin] I:[Meskin] Lt:[Oda]
   #76 (v.11, n.4) May 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut]
       "Democratic Victory at Venice" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Old Timer" 1 pg  (text)
       "Flash Cameron Investigates a Disaster" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Grafters" 6 pg P:[Meskin]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Channel for Trouble" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]
   #77 (v.11, n.5) September 1956
       (cover) 1 pg P:Stein I:Stein
       "Flying Saucers" 6 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Closeups" 1 pg  (text)
       "Fast Finish" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Snap Decision" 6 pg P:Galindo  Lt:[Oda]
       "Pen and Ink" 1 pg P:[Stein] I:[Stein] Lt:[Oda]
       "Baby Face" 1 pg  (text)
       "Hide and Seek" 6 pg P:[Draut] I:[Draut] Lt:[Oda]

Clue Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

Clue Comics (Hillman)
   (v.2, n.1) March 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "Gun Master" 10 pg  
       "King Of The Bank Robbers" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "Nightmare" 8 pg  
       "Iron Lady" 8 pg  
       "Getaway" 2 pg  (text)
       "Gun Master" 10 pg  
       "Cornie Corner" 1 pg P:Hall  
   (v.2, n.2) April 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:Barry  
       "The Short, Dangerous Life Of Packy Smith" 13 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Wyatt]
       "The Finger Man" 8 pg P:C. Infantino I:Sachs Lt:Typeset
       "On Stage For Murder" 4 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Nightmare" 9 pg P:Tirman?  
       "Cornie Corner" 1 pg P:Hall  
       "The Royal Hoist" 2 pg P:Hall  (text)
       "Gun Master" 10 pg  
       "Clubby" 1 pg  
   (v.2, n.3) May 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg  
       "The Battle For Packy Smith" 15 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Flowers For Roma" 8 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Iron Lady" 8 pg  
       "Map To Freedom" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Case Of The Superstitious Slayers" 6 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Micro Face" 6 pg  

My Date Checklist

Last update: 6/6/2020

    r:  = reprint
    s:  = script
    l:  = layout
    p:  = pencils
    i:  = inks
  name  = signed
 <name> = signed with an alias
 {name} = signed as Simon & Kirby
 [name] = unsigned attribution

My Date (Hillman)
   #1 July 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "My Date With Swifty Chase" 14 pg P:{Kirby}  Lt:[Wyatt & Oda]
       "Ginny" 1 pg  
       "Your Down-Payment on Dates" 1 pg  (text)
       "Ultra Violet" 10 pg P:[Robinson?] I:[Roussos?]
       "Cleopatra and the Convertible" 2 pg  (text)
       "My Date" 6 pg P:Barry  
       "Fellas 'n' Gals" 1 pg  
       "Kitty Hawk" 3 pg  
   #2 September 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "My Problem Date" 14 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ultra Violet" 8 pg P:Barry  
       "My Date" 6 pg P:Barry  
       "letters" 1 pg  
       "Ginny" 8 pg  
       "Lindy Hopp Dancing Lessons" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "The Square Fairy Godmother" 2 pg  (text)
       "The Rosebud Sisters" 7 pg P:Keeler  
       "Dippy" 1 pg  
   #3 November 1947  
       (cover) 1 pg P:{Kirby}  
       "My Date With Swifty Chase" 13 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "pin-up" 1 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ginny" 8 pg  
       "Second Best Girl" 2 pg  (text)
       "My Date" 6 pg  
       "letter page" 1 pg  
       "Date Snatcher" 5 pg  
       "Ultra Violet" 10 pg P:Barry  
   #4 January 1948  
       (cover) 1 pg P:[Robinson & Meskin]  
       "The Lonesome Wolf" 12 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "My Date" 5 pg  Lt:[Oda]
       "letters" 1 pg  
       "Ginny" 6 pg  Lt:Typeset
       "Genius, That's What" 6 pg  Lt:Typeset
       "Somebody New" 2 pg  (text)
       "A Rainy Day With Housedate Harry" 3 pg P:[Kirby]  Lt:[Oda]
       "Ultra Violet" 8 pg  Lt:[Oda]