Category Archives: Draut, Bill

Bill Draut (usual suspect #1)

In previous posts I mention three artists that did a lot of work for the S&K studio over a long period of time. Because of the frequent appearance in S&K productions, I often refer to them as the usual suspects. In this post I would like to write about Bill Draut, the first of the usual suspects to work for the studio. During the war Joe Simon served in the Coast Guard. Joe spent a good part of this service in Washington working as a Coast Guard artist. One of the other artist who worked with Simon was friends with Bill Draut, then in the marines. When Joe got to know Draut he told him that after the war Bill should look him up in New York. When Joe rejoined Jack Kirby after the war, they made a deal with Harvey to produce Stuntman and Boy Explorers. Bill Draut joined in this effort and his first comic book work appeared in Stuntman #1. As part of their work with Harvey, Simon and Kirby would create comic series to be done by other artists. For Bill they developed The Furnished Room, Calamity Jane, and The Demon. Unfortunately Stuntman and Boy Explorers got caught in a comic glut, and were discontinued after a very few issues. But Draut’s contribution, the Furnished Room and Calamity Jane, would reappear in other Harvey comics about a year later. They probably represent unused material from the cancelled comics.

The Furnished Room

The Furnished Room was the first to be published appearing in Stuntman #1 in April 1946 (all dates for comics are cover dates). As was pointed out by Stan Taylor, this series was a S&K’s take on the popular syndication strip Mary Worth. The Furnished Room was essentially a soap opera with an elderly dowdy lady (this series version of Mary Worth). This dowdy lady would generally play a more peripheral part in the stories. The real stories were about the people who rented rooms from her. Because of the lack of superheroes, the Furnished Room may have been a little out of place in Stuntman but the series was really well done. The Furnished Room had a short run, all done by Bill Draut:

Stuntman #1 (April 1946) “The Furnished Room”

Stundman #2 (June 1946) “Triangular Troubles”

Green Hornet #37 |(January 1948) “The Smiling Salesman”

Green Hornet #38 (March 1948) “The Furnished Room” (reprint)

Calamity Jane

For Boys Explorer S&K created Calamity Jane which Draut would draw. This series were about a hardboiled detective who happened to be a female. The source for this idea seems to have been what is now called film noire. But in those movies the detective was a man, and women just played supporting rolls. The stories are presented as told by Calamity to the artist Draut. This was another good series which unfortunately did not last long, only three stories. But there is a story by Draut in Justice Traps the Guilty #3 that appears to be a reworked Calamity Jane. The detective was now named Ruth Lang, but a supporting character (the cabbie called Hack) remained unchanged. I previously posted on editorial changes Joe Simon did on one of the Calamity Jane stories.

Boy Explorers #1 (May 1946) “The Case Of The Hapless Hackie”

Green Hornet #35 (August 1947) “The Fat Tuesday”

Green Hornet #36 (November 1947) “The Man Who Met Himself”

Justice Traps The Guilty #3 (March 1948) “My Strangest Crime Case”

The Demon

The Demon was first published in Black Cat #4 (February 1947). The full title of the series is “His Honor the Demon”. The Demon has a rather unusual origin in that the hero is a judge frustrated because the law sometimes is helpless in finding and punishing the guilty. After one such case of a murdered man, he decides to investigate on his own. At one point he wears the same costume that the murdered victim was wearing at a party when he got killed. The judge did this in an attempt flush out the murderer. After a successful conclusion to this case, the judge decides to continue his extra-legal efforts using the same costume of a red demon. Again Bill was the only artist to work on this short run series.

Black Cat #4 (February 1947) “Double Trouble”

Black Cat #5 (April 1947) “The Man Who Didn’t Know His Own Strength”

Black Cat #6 (July 1947) “The Midnight Killer” (origin story)

Black Cat #7 (August 1947) “Too Cold For Crime”

In Love #4

After those failed series, Bill Draut continued to work for the Simon & Kirby studio. Although he did provide some crime (Headline and Justice Traps The Guilty) and horror (Black Magic) work, most of the stories he did was for romance comics (Young Romance, Young Love, Young Brides and In Love). I previously posted on an unpublished Artist and Model cover that he did. His style seems very conducive to romance work. His women have beautiful eyes with simple but effective eyebrows. But Bill’s simple eyebrows seem more awkward on his men. Strong action did not seem to be Draut’s forte, but that was not an issue for the love stories. He was gifted enough of an artist and observant enough of the S&K style, that one of the covers he did (Young Brides #21) has been attributed to Jack by the Kirby Checklist.

Young Brides #21

Joe Simon has always maintained that he and Jack encouraged their artists to sign their work. Bill Draut does seem to have taken advantage of that and often added his signature to his earlier work. Later his stopped signing his material but his style is still easily recognizable. Draut does not seem as productive as the other usual suspects (Mort Meskin and John Prentice). As far as I know during his association with the S&K studio, he worked for them exclusively. When the studio disbanded in the mid 50’s Jack and Joe continued as editors for Young Romance with Kirby penciling a story in most issues. But for whatever reason, Bill Draut did not do any work for those Young Romance comics. I am not sure what Bill did in the late 50’s but he seems to have stayed in comics. When Joe Simon produced some hero comics for Harvey in the mid 60’s, Bill Draut would pencil some stories. I also know he did some work for DC at that time. His work seemed delegated to lesser profile series and I don’t think his style was very popular in the 60’s.

Bill Draut Checklist

Last update: 1/2/2012

    s:  = signed
    a:  = signed with alias
    &:  = signed Simon and Kirby
    ?:  = questionable attribution
    r:  = reprint

All For Love (Prize)
     1    (v.1, n1)  Apr  1957       [cover]
     1    (v.1, n1)  Apr  1957    6p "Dream Wedding"

Black Cat (Harvey)
   s 4    Feb  1947   10p "Double Trouble"
     5    Apr  1947   10p "The Man Who Didn't Know His Own Strength"
   s 6    July 1947   10p "The Midnight Killer"
     7    Sept 1947    8p "Too Cold For Crime"

Black Magic (Prize)
     1    (v.1, n1)  Oct  1950    6p "Don't Look Now"
     2    (v.1, n2)  Dec  1950    8p "Yesterday You Died"
     3    (v.1, n3)  Feb  1951    7p "Satan's Sister"
     4    (v.1, n4)  Apr  1951    7p "The Jonah"
     6    (v.1, n6)  Aug  1951    5p "The Moment Of Shadow"
     6    (v.1, n6)  Aug  1951    6p "Skull's Eyes Never Sleep"
     7    (v.2, n1)  Oct  1951    7p "Don't Ride The 5:20"
     9    (v.2, n3)  Feb  1952    7p "Mark Of Evil"
     12   (v.2, n6)  May  1952    7p "Contact"
     13   (v.2, n7)  June 1952    7p "When I Live Again"
     14   (v.2, n8)  July 1952    7p "The Voice Of The Dead"
     15   (v.2, n9)  Aug  1952    6p "Ashes To Ashes"
     17   (v.2, n11) Oct  1952    8p "The Soul Of A Man"
     20   (v.3, n2)  Jan  1953    5p "Hatchet Man"
     21   (v.3, n3)  Feb  1953    4p "The Practical Joker"
     22   (v.3, n4)  Mar  1953    2p "Barbados Burial Vault"
     23   (v.3, n5)  Apr  1953    6p "The Faces Of Death"
     24   (v.3, n6)  May  1953    6p "The Lady Is A Ghost"
     32   (v.5, n2)  Sept 1954    4p "The Monsters"

Black Magic (National/DC)
   r 6    (v.1, n6)  Nov  1974    7p "Satan's Sister"- (r B|M #3 Feb 1951)
   r 9    (v.1, n9)  May  1975    8p "Yesterday You Died"- (r BM #2 Dec 1950)

Boy Explorers (Harvey)
   s 1    May  1946    8p "The Case Of The Hapless Hackie"- (Ferguson letters first page only)

Charlie Chan (Prize)
     1    June 1948    8p "The Weasel Of Wall Street"

Double-Dare Adventures (Harvey)
   ? 1    Dec  1966    7p "Bee-Man"

First Love Illustrated (Harvey)
     31   Aug  1953    5p "Another Man's Kisses"
     34   Nov  1953    5p "Man-Starved"
     38   Mar  1954    5p "Strange Love"
     41   June 1954    5p "To Find My Love"
     43   Aug  1954    5p "True to My Love"
     44   Sept 1954    5p "The Right to Love"
     60   Jan  1956    5p "Dangerous Moment"
     64   May  1956    5p "Love Betrayed"
     67   Aug  1956    5p "Outsider"
     68   Sept 1956    5p "Forbidden To Love Him"
     69   Oct  1956    5p "Remember, I'm Your Girl"
     70   Nov  1956    5p "Strange Love"
     72   Jan  1957    5p "A Man For Nora"
     74   Mar  1957    5p "The Right to Love"
     75   Apr  1957    5p "No Promises For Me"

First Romance Magazine (Harvey)
     41   Aug  1956    5p "I Gambled On Love"

Foxhole (Mainline)
     1    Oct  1954    6p "Fruit Salad"
     2    Dec  1954    3p "Walkie-Talkie"
     2    Dec  1954    4p "Replacement"
   s 4    Apr  1955    4p "Find And Fire"

Foxhole (Charlton)
   s 5    July 1955    3p "Hip Pockets And The Paper Bullets"
     6    Sept 1955    3p "The 50th Man"

From Here to Insanity (Charlton)
     11   Aug  1955    6p "Old Love"

Green Hornet (Harvey)
   s 35   Sept 1947    8p "The Fat Tuesday"
   s 36   Nov  1947    8p "The Man Who Met Himself"
   s 37   Jan  1948    7p "The Smiling Salesman"
   r 38   Mar  1948    7p "The Furnished Room"

Headline (Prize)
   s 27   (v.3, n3)  Nov  1947    7p "The Death Of The Gambler King"
   s 27   (v.3, n3)  Nov  1947    4p "Bring Me His Corpse"
     28   (v.3, n4)  Feb  1948    8p "Trapping Chicago's Speed-Demon Mob"
   s 28   (v.3, n4)  Feb  1948    7p "Machine-Gun Kelly, Kidnapper"
   s 29   (v.3, n5)  Apr  1948    8p "Don't Let Wilber Squeal"
   s 29   (v.3, n5)  Apr  1948    8p "Sisters Of Satan"
     30   (v.3, n6)  June 1948    7p "The Witch Murders"
   s 30   (v.3, n6)  June 1948    7p "Menace In The Making"
     31   (v.4, n1)  Aug  1948    8p "The Kidnapped The Parole Board"
     32   (v.4, n2)  Oct  1948    8p "Terror Of The Everglades"
     74   (v.11, n2) Jan  1956    6p "Never See Morning"
     75   (v.11, n3) Mar  1956    6p "Hot Stuff"
     76   (v.11, n4) May  1956       [cover]
     76   (v.11, n4) May  1956    6p "Channel for Trouble"
     77   (v.11, n5) Sept 1956    6p "Hide and Seek"

Hi-School Romance (Harvey)
     19   Feb  1953    6p "I Went Too Far"
     25   Feb  1954    5p "Outsider"
     43   Sept 1955    6p "Broadway Lights"
     48   Feb  1956    5p "Outsider"
     49   Mar  1956    5p "My Shattered Love"
     59   Jan  1957    5p "To Find My Love"
     60   Feb  1957    5p "School Boy"

In Love (Mainline)
     2    Oct  1954       [cover]
     2    Oct  1954    6p "The Scandal"
     2    Oct  1954    6p "Set My Heart Free"
     4    Mar  1955       [cover]
     4    Mar  1955    6p "Wolf Bait"

In Love (Charlton)
     6    July 1955       [cover]
     6    July 1955    6p "Among Us Girls"

Jigsaw (Harvey)
     1    Sept 1966       [cover]

Justice Traps the Guilty (Prize)
   s 1    (v.1, n1)  Oct  1947    6p "G-Man Trap"
   s 1    (v.1, n1)  Oct  1947    4p "Try An FBI Test"
   s 2    (v.1, n2)  Dec  1947    6p "You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Trap A Criminal"
   s 3    (v.1, n3)  Mar  1948    8p "So Many Ways To Die"
     3    (v.1, n3)  Mar  1948    7p "My Strangest Crime Case"
     4    (v.1, n4)  May  1948    7p "The Lincoln Tomb Thieves"
     4    (v.1, n4)  May  1948    6p "The Half-Pint Killer"
     5    (v.1, n5)  July 1948    7p "Al Spencer, Last Of The Old West Bandits"
   s 5    (v.1, n5)  July 1948    8p "A Fortune In Slugs"
     6    (v.1, n6)  Sept 1948    8p "Gerald Woodworth, The Vanishing Bandit"
     7    (v.2, n1)  Nov  1948    6p "Paris Manhunt"
     9    (v.2, n3)  Apr  1949   10p "Willie The Actor"
     71   (v.8, n5)  Feb  1955    4p "Escape"
     80   (v.9, n1)  Feb  1956    5p "Skin Deep"
     82   (v.9, n4)  May  1956    6p "Doomsday"
     83   (v.9, n5)  Oct  1956    6p "The Masqueraders"
     83   (v.9, n5)  Oct  1956    6p "Duty Bound"
     84   (v.9, n6)  Dec  1956    7p "The Fickle Lady Luck"
     84   (v.9, n6)  Dec  1956    6p "The Wreckers"

Love Problems and Advice (Harvey)
     22   July 1953    1p "Which Man Shall I Choose?"
     23   Sept 1953    5p "My Shattered Love"
     25   Jan  1954    5p "Come-On Girl"
     28   July 1954    5p "Always a Bridesmaid"
     29   Sept 1954    5p "Marked Woman"
     40   July 1956    1p "Which Man Shall I Choose"
     40   July 1956    5p "Double Heartbreak"
     42   Nov  1956    5p "Empty Dream"
     43   Jan  1957    5p "Who's Cheating Who?"
   r 45   May  1957    5p "Marked Woman"

Police Trap (Mainline)
     1    Sept 1954    5p "Masher"
     3    Jan  1955    6p "Tough Beat"

Police Trap (Charlton)
     5    July 1955    6p "The Gun"

Police Trap (Super Comics)
   r 16   **** 1964    5p "The Capture"
   r 17   **** 1964    6p "Policeman's Holiday"
   r 17   **** 1964    6p "Duty Bound"

Prize Comics Western (Prize)
     119  Sept 1956    6p "The Drifter"

Real West Romances (Prize)
     1    Apr  1949    9p "Chuck Wagon Jane"
     2    July 1949    8p "Dead-Game Dude"
     3    Aug  1949    8p "In Love With His Ranch Boss"
     4    Oct  1949    8p "Lovin' Or Feudin'"
     5    Dec  1949    8p "Bordertown Lover"
     5    Dec  1949    1p "Glamour In The Great Outdoors"

Spyman (Harvey)
     3    Feb  1967       [contents]
     3    Feb  1967   20p "Death of Spyman"

Strange World of Your Dreams (Prize)
     1    Aug  1952    7p "Don't Wake The Sleeper"
     3    Nov  1952    4p "Send Us Your Dreams"
     3    Nov  1952    1p "Mistaken Dream"- (illustrated text)

Stuntman (Harvey)
   s 1    Apr  1946    7p "The Furnished Room"
   s 2    June 1946    6p "Triangular Troubles"- (Ferguson letters splash only)

Teen-Age Brides (Harvey)
     1    July 1953    1p "Here Comes the Bride"
     2    Sept 1953    5p "I Married for Fun"

True Bride-To-Be Romances (Harvey)
     17   Apr  1956    5p "When I Married"
     18   June 1956    5p "Unfit To Manage"
     19   Aug  1956    5p "Heart And Soul"
     23   Apr  1957    5p "Always a Bridesmaid"

True Bride's Experiences (Harvey)
     16   Feb  1956    1p "Here Comes The Bride"

Warfront (Harvey)
     38   Dec  1966   15p "Big Trap on Death Island"
     39   Feb  1967       [cover]
     39   Feb  1967   14p "Half-Mask Strikes Back"
     39   Feb  1967    2p "Letters from Dynamite Joe"

Western Love (Prize)
     1    July 1949    8p "Gambler's Girl"
     2    Sept 1949    9p "Sworn Enemies In Love"

Win A Prize (Charlton)
     2    Apr  1955    7p "Bullet Ballad"

Young Brides (Prize)
     1    (v.1, n1)  Sept 1952    8p "Teen-Age Mother"
     2    (v.1, n2)  Nov  1952    6p "The Luckiest Guy In The World"
     4    (v.1, n4)  Mar  1953    8p "Here Cries The Bride"
     5    (v.1, n5)  May  1953    8p "Let's Change Places"
     6    (v.1, n6)  July 1953    6p "Run Out Of Town"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Oct  1953    6p "After School Wife"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Oct  1953    6p "Married Strangers"
     10   (v.2, n4)  Dec  1953    6p "Country Cousin"
     10   (v.2, n4)  Dec  1953    6p "The Stranger In His Heart"
     11   (v.2, n5)  Jan  1954    6p "Ghost Wife"
     12   (v.2, n6)  Feb  1954    6p "Father Under Protest"
     13   (v.2, n7)  Mar  1954    8p "The Bride Wore Hand Me-Downs"
     18   (v.2, n12) Sept 1954       [cover]
     20   (v.3, n2)  Jan  1955       [cover]
     20   (v.3, n2)  Jan  1955    5p "Sinner By Night"
     21   (v.3, n3)  Mar  1955       [cover]
     21   (v.3, n3)  Mar  1955    6p "Cheating Lady"
     23   (v.3, n5)  July 1955    2p "Steady Beau"
     24   (v.3, n6)  Sept 1955       [cover]
     24   (v.3, n6)  Sept 1955    6p "Ask Mother"

Young Love (Prize)
   s 1    (v.1, n1)  Feb  1949   12p "The Plumber And Me"
     1    (v.1, n1)  Feb  1949    7p "Two Loves"
     1    (v.1, n1)  Feb  1949    7p "Lady Luck"
     2    (v.1, n2)  Apr  1949    9p "A Very Young Bride"
     3    (v.1, n3)  June 1949    9p "Wallflower"
     3    (v.1, n3)  June 1949    8p "Headstrong"
     3    (v.1, n3)  June 1949    8p "Clinging Vine"
     4    (v.1, n4)  Aug  1949    7p "Best Friend's Sweetheart"
     4    (v.1, n4)  Aug  1949    8p "Show Off"
     5    (v.1, n5)  Oct  1949    2p "Problem Clinic"
     6    (v.1, n6)  Dec  1949    8p "Taken For A Ride"
     7    (v.2, n1)  Feb  1950    8p "The Carnival Girl"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Apr  1950    8p "Every Man I Meet"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Apr  1950    2p "Problem Clinic"
     9    (v.2, n3)  May  1950    7p "Anybody's Girl"
     10   (v.2, n4)  June 1950    8p "Common"
     12   (v.2, n6)  Aug  1950    8p "Because You Look Like Him"
     14   (v.2, n8)  Oct  1950    9p "I'll Tell You No Lies"
     14   (v.2, n8)  Oct  1950    7p "A Family Affair"
     15   (v.2, n9)  Nov  1950    9p "Love Isn't  Enough"
     15   (v.2, n9)  Nov  1950    9p "Man Wanted"
     16   (v.2, n10) Dec  1950    5p "Will You Help Me"
     16   (v.2, n10) Dec  1950    7p "Bring A Friend"
     18   (v.2, n12) Feb  1951    8p "I Won't Leave Mother"
     19   (v.3, n1)  Mar  1951    9p "High School Honeymoon"
     21   (v.3, n3)  May  1951    8p "Marry Me Mister"
     22   (v.3, n4)  June 1951    8p "Like All The Rest"
     23   (v.3, n5)  July 1951    1p "Does He Treat You Right"
     24   (v.3, n6)  Aug  1951   10p "I'll Bet My Love"
     26   (v.3, n8)  Oct  1951    7p "Bad Penny"
     26   (v.3, n8)  Oct  1951    6p "Not The Type"
     27   (v.3, n9)  Nov  1951    8p "Love Proof"
     28   (v.3, n10) Dec  1951    8p "Never Been Kissed"
     28   (v.3, n10) Dec  1951    2p "The Way They Met"
     29   (v.3, n11) Jan  1952    7p "Heavy Date"
     29   (v.3, n11) Jan  1952    7p "My Conscience"
     30   (v.3, n12) Feb  1952    9p "Easy Prey"
     32   (v.4, n2)  Apr  1952   10p "Can't Help Wanting That Man"
     33   (v.4, n3)  May  1952    8p "The Legs Are Familiar"
     34   (v.4, n4)  June 1952    8p "Out Of Control"
     34   (v.4, n4)  June 1952    5p "Sweet, But Not So Simple"
     35   (v.4, n5)  July 1952    8p "Fast Crowd"
     36   (v.4, n6)  Aug  1952    6p "Run From Romance"
     37   (v.4, n7)  Sept 1952    8p "Young Man With Tuxedo Will Marry"
     38   (v.4, n8)  Oct  1952    7p "Let Your Hair Down"
     39   (v.4, n9)  Nov  1952    7p "Each Day I Die"
     40   (v.4, n10) Dec  1952    6p "Love Me On My Terms"
     42   (v.4, n12) Feb  1953    8p "Girl Hitchhiker"
     43   (v.5, n1)  Mar  1953    8p "The Wonderful Person"
     45   (v.5, n3)  May  1953    8p "Terrible Secret"
     46   (v.5, n4)  June 1953    7p "The Hard Guy"
     48   (v.5, n6)  Aug  1953    6p "Love, Honor And Betray"
     49   (v.5, n7)  Sept 1953    6p "Highway Of Dreams"
     51   (v.5, n9)  Nov  1953    6p "Give Me Your Blessing"
     52   (v.5, n10) Dec  1953    6p "Hush-Hush Marriage"
     53   (v.5, n11) Jan  1954    6p "Love Isn't Enough"
     54   (v.5, n12) Feb  1954    6p "Shameless"
     55   (v.6, n1)  Mar  1954    6p "The Guilt In My Heart"
     58   (v.6, n4)  June 1954    6p "The Unblessed Events"
     61   (v.6, n7)  Sept 1954       [cover]
     62   (v.6, n8)  Oct  1954    6p "Teen-Age Temptress"
     63   (v.6, n9)  Dec  1954       [cover]
     63   (v.6, n9)  Dec  1954    6p "Another Love"
     64   (v.6, n10) Apr  1955       [cover]
     64   (v.6, n10) Apr  1955    6p "Kissing Game"
     65   (v.6, n11) June 1955    6p "Who Keeps The Faith"
     66   (v.6, n12) Aug  1955    6p "Just For Spite"
     71   (v.7, n5)  June 1956    6p "Love Me Or Leave Me"
     73   (v.8, n1)  Dec  1956    6p "Soldier's Homecoming"
     73   (v.8, n1)  Dec  1956    6p "The Troublemaker"

Young Romance (Prize)
     1    (v.1, n1)  Sept 1947    8p "The Farmer's Wife"
     1    (v.1, n1)  Sept 1947    7p "The Plight Of The Suspicious Bridegroom"
   s 2    (v.1, n2)  Nov  1947    7p "My Broken Heart"
     2    (v.1, n2)  Nov  1947    7p "The Poorest Girl In The World"
     3    (v.1, n3)  Jan  1948    7p "Campus Outcast"
   s 4    (v.1, n4)  Mar  1948    8p "Guilty"
   s 4    (v.1, n4)  Mar  1948    7p "Her Rival"
     5    (v.1, n5)  May  1948    7p "Substitute Sweetheart"
   s 6    (v.1, n6)  July 1948    8p "Friend Of The Family"
   s 6    (v.1, n6)  July 1948    7p "Gossip"
     7    (v.2, n1)  Sept 1948    8p "I'll Get Him Back"
   s 7    (v.2, n1)  Sept 1948    8p "Love On The Rebound"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Nov  1948    6p "Fortune Hunter"
     8    (v.2, n2)  Nov  1948    8p "To Love Again"
     9    (v.2, n3)  Jan  1949    9p "The Lie I Lived"
     9    (v.2, n3)  Jan  1949    9p "Last Chance For Love"
   s 10   (v.2, n4)  Mar  1949    8p "Shadows"
     10   (v.2, n4)  Mar  1949    1p "Hip, Hip, Away"
     10   (v.2, n4)  Mar  1949    8p "Husband Hunter"
     11   (v.2, n5)  May  1949    8p "The Language Of Love"
     11   (v.2, n5)  May  1949    2p "Second Chance for Love"- (illustrated text)
     12   (v.2, n6)  July 1949    8p "The Man I Kept On A String"
     12   (v.2, n6)  July 1949    2p "Problem Clinic"
     12   (v.2, n6)  July 1949    8p "Girl Shy"
     13   (v.3, n1)  Sept 1949    8p "Daughter Of Misfortune"
     13   (v.3, n1)  Sept 1949    8p "Good Scout"
     14   (v.3, n2)  Oct  1949    9p "No Prescription For Love"
     14   (v.3, n2)  Oct  1949    8p "The Barrier Between Us"
     15   (v.3, n3)  Nov  1949    9p "Deathfed Vow"
     16   (v.3, n4)  Dec  1949    8p "The Wolves Of The City"
     16   (v.3, n4)  Dec  1949    7p "Janet Loves Janet"
     16   (v.3, n4)  Dec  1949    1p "Good Manners"
     17   (v.3, n5)  Jan  1950    8p "When A Puppy Love Grows Up"
     17   (v.3, n5)  Jan  1950    2p "Problem Clinic"
     19   (v.3, n7)  Mar  1950    9p "Tainted"
     20   (v.3, n8)  Apr  1950    8p "Mad About The Boy"
     21   (v.3, n9)  May  1950    8p "Let's Pretend"
     23   (v.3, n11) July 1950    8p "A Woman's Honor"
     24   (v.3, n12) Aug  1950    7p "Man Bait"
     25   (v.4, n1)  Sept 1950    7p "Gentleman For Hire"
     26   (v.4, n2)  Oct  1950    8p "The Last Man On Earth"
     27   (v.4, n3)  Nov  1950    6p "Monahan's Madonna"
     28   (v.4, n4)  Dec  1950    9p "Not Worth The Price"
     29   (v.4, n5)  Jan  1951    8p "Love Also Ran"
     30   (v.4, n6)  Feb  1951    2p "Will You Help Me"
     30   (v.4, n6)  Feb  1951    8p "Not Good For Anyone"
     31   (v.4, n7)  Mar  1951    9p "Raw Deal"
     32   (v.4, n8)  Apr  1951    9p "Hand-Me-Down Love"
     33   (v.4, n9)  May  1951    8p "Not In The Act"
     34   (v.4, n10) June 1951    8p "The Other Woman"
     34   (v.4, n10) June 1951    1p "Are You A Selfish Girl Friend"
     35   (v.4, n11) July 1951    2p "Problem Clinic"
     36   (v.4, n12) Aug  1951    8p "Yesterday's Romance"
     36   (v.4, n12) Aug  1951    9p "Married In Haste"
     38   (v.5, n2)  Oct  1951    9p "Cagey Mary"
     39   (v.5, n3)  Nov  1951    9p "The Wall Between Us"
     40   (v.5, n4)  Dec  1951    1p "How He Proposed"
     40   (v.5, n4)  Dec  1951    8p "Your Own Apartment"
     41   (v.5, n5)  Jan  1952    1p "The Way They Met"
     41   (v.5, n5)  Jan  1952    8p "Baby, It's Cold In Here"
     42   (v.5, n6)  Feb  1952    9p "Big Deal"
     43   (v.5, n7)  Mar  1952    8p "A Honey of a Sergeant"
     47   (v.5, n11) July 1952    8p "A Man For My Birthday"
     48   (v.5, n12) Aug  1952    8p "Love Is Poison"
     49   (v.6, n1)  Sept 1952    7p "Honeymooners, Not Wanted"
     50   (v.6, n2)  Oct  1952    8p "Money, Money, Money"
     50   (v.6, n2)  Oct  1952    7p "Tag Along"
     51   (v.6, n3)  Nov  1952    2p "Problem Clinic"
     51   (v.6, n3)  Nov  1952    7p "Joe Barnes, Washout"
     52   (v.6, n4)  Dec  1952    8p "Soldier On The Train"
     54   (v.6, n6)  Feb  1953    7p "Come Into My Parlor"
     56   (v.6, n8)  Apr  1953    7p "Rx For Romance"
     58   (v.6, n10) June 1953    6p "Love That Landlady"
     59   (v.6, n11) July 1953    6p "Love Me, Don't Laugh At Me"
     60   (v.6, n12) Aug  1953    8p "His Wife's People"
     61   (v.7, n1)  Sept 1953    6p "The Girl He Couldn't Forget"
     62   (v.7, n2)  Oct  1953    6p "Using Me"
     66   (v.7, n6)  Feb  1954    6p "Fools Rush In"
     67   (v.7, n7)  Mar  1954    6p "Yesterday's Love"
     68   (v.7, n8)  Apr  1954    6p "Bought"
     69   (v.7, n9)  May  1954    6p "My Sister's Sweetheart"
     70   (v.7, n10) June 1954       [cover]
     70   (v.7, n10) June 1954    6p "Gotta Get Married"
     72   (v.7, n12) Aug  1954       [cover]
     72   (v.7, n12) Aug  1954    5p "Soldier's Pickup"
     73   (v.8, n1)  Sept 1954    6p "Marriageable Age"
     74   (v.8, n2)  Nov  1954    6p "The Kissoff"
     75   (v.8, n3)  Dec  1954       [cover]
     75   (v.8, n3)  Dec  1954    6p "Secret Marriage"
     76   (v.8, n4)  Apr  1955       [cover]
     76   (v.8, n4)  Apr  1955    7p "Let's Pretend"
     77   (v.8, n5)  June 1955    6p "The Security Of Love"
     78   (v.8, n6)  Aug  1955       [cover]
     78   (v.8, n6)  Aug  1955    6p "Dream House For Two"
     81   (v.9, n3)  Feb  1956    6p "He Had Only Me"