Coming Attractions

I have been very busy scanning and restoring Foxhole comics. So you next week you can expect something on that sadly neglected Simon and Kirby title. Unfortunately I failed to find time to do the scans I need to complete my Early Jack Kirby serial post so that will be delayed for a couple of weeks. But next week I also hope to post on an Astonishing Jack Kirby story. Also a curious Joe Simon and Jim Steranko connection, not historically significant but one I did not see coming.

This entering posts only on the weekend seems to be working well for me. In fact I may be doing about the same amount of blogging, I just post what I have done at one time. The only drawback is that recent posts may actually get scrolled to the next blog page. This seems to have happened to my Foxhole #1 post, so be sure you do not miss it.