Origins – The Incredible Hulk


The Origin of The Hulk. Photoshop collage by Jason Garrattley. Images taken from The Incredible Hulk #1. Art: Jack Kirby/Paul Reinman.

Parlor Tricks for the Rabble


The lighter side of Dr. Doom courtesy of Seattle based artist/designer/music producer Aaron Jasinski. Aaron produced this piece for Subtext’s Meanwhile at the hall of Justice show earlier this year and his recent exhibition, Tractus Secretum, for Distinction Gallery can be found here. Want more? Aaron also has a blog and a deviantart page for your viewing pleasure.

Macs of the Future

Lowlife Template 4 (Same Size)

Kirby inspired magazine illustration for MacFormat, courtesy of Matt Brooker aka D’Israeli. Matt is the co-creator, along with writer Ian Edginton, of Leviathan, Stickleback, Kingdom of the Wicked and the comic adaption of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds plus it’s sequels, Scarlet Traces and The Great Game. For more on the creation of this piece and to download the Photoshop swatches used for the four-colour retro feel, be sure to visit Matt’s blog.



Kirby inspired frolics courtesy of Brooklyn based cartoonist Connor Willumsen. Check out Connor’s website for some beautifully rendered pdf. comics and be sure to visit his flickr page and blog for more colourful illustration work.

Fantastic Four #4


Fantastic Four #4 re-imagined by Norris Burroughs. Original cover by Jack Kirby and Sol Brodsky here.

The Thing in Steel


This 2ft tall 400lb steel bust of the ever lovin’ blue eyed Thing is by Wisconsin steel fabricator Steve F/BrokenHill. Ben Grimm and Jack Kirby’s work have been a major influences on Steve’s art ever since 6th grade. You can follow the evolution of this fantastic piece over at the PencilJack forum, where you can also find some of Steve’s drawings. Additionally, be sure to take a look at Steve’s DeviantArt page where you’ll find more of his steelwork sculpture.

Kirby-Vision would like to thank Andy Bennett for the link to BrokenHill’s work.

So Speaks Galactus!

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A fresh perspective on the First appearance of Galactus courtesy of Euan Mactavish. Insert art by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott from Fantastic Four #48.