Vintage Captain America Poster


This is just one in a series of vintage style comic character posters, designed by Iowa based artist Michael Blaine Myers Jr. The full series of seven posters, which also include iconic D.C. heroes, are available to purchase at Imagekind. Micheal’s versatile artwork has also graced a number of T-shirts available from Threadless. You can find more of Michael’s work, including character designs for a Lost animation series, at his website, Flickr and Behance.

Glycon, Magnulus and Spalding

Paul Sizer is a regular contributor to forum art challenges at Warren Ellis’ Whitechapel. Here he reveals his Kirby influences with an imagining of Glycon, Alan Moore’s fictional snake god deity, and portraits of fellow Whitechapel regulars, Magnulus and Spalding.

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Hulk Vs Galactus


Skadoosh!! The Incredible Hulk slugs it out with Galactus, courtesy of Toronto based artist/designer/animator Darren Rawlings. This is just one of a series of knockout bouts starring the Hulk that Darren created for his ‘March Madness’ month over at his blog. Be sure to visit Darren’s website for links to all of his projects including his webcomic, The life of Rex Bunyan and the graphic novel series, Agent Orange.

Nameless Female Fury


Warm-up sketch of a nameless Female Fury by Indianapolis based artist/bookseller/pulp aficionado, Kyle Latino.


One and only appearance of nameless Female Fury from Mister Miracle #8 by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer.

Mister Miracle


Another tricky situation for Mister Miracle, created by Warwick Johnson Cadwell to celebrate our first anniversary. Thanks Warwick, you’re a true gent.

Happy First Anniversary


Here’s a little montage I’ve put together to celebrate Kirby-Vision‘s first anniversary. It’s been a fantastic year for the blog since it’s humble beginnings as The Kirby Project. I’d like to shout-out a huge thank you to all the wonderful artists who have submitted artwork or granted permission to re-blog existing work. There’s been some amazing stuff from fresh new talent and seasoned professionals alike. My sincere thanks also to all the people who have spread the Kirby-Vision word via their own blogs, websites etc. Here’s to another year of celebrating Jack’s extraordinary influence.

Amazing Adult Fantasy #15


Graphic designer and comic book artist Paul Sizer re-designs Amazing Fantasy #15 for Warren EllisWhitechapel forum Remake/Remodel challenge. Michigan based Paul is the creator of the self-published graphic novels Little White Mouse, Moped Army and the multi-media music based B.P.M. You can find more of Paul’s artwork at his website and DeviantArt page.

And if you really need reminding what the original Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko cover looks like, you can find it here.

Kirby Animated

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Kirby animated character designs by Spanish writer/artist Victor Santos. Victor is the creator of the Spanish language graphic novels Pulp Heroes, Black Kaiser, Lone in Heaven and The Elven Kings. His recent move into the US market has seen his art grace the pages of Vertigo Crime’s Filthy Rich and Image’s Mice Templar: Destiny. You can find a wealth of Victor’s fabulous artwork at his website and blog.

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Kirby-Vision would like to thank Mark Kardwell for the link to Victor’s work.