Adventures of the Fantastic Four

Marc Basile writes, “Growing up the artwork in The Little Golden Books really had a profound influence on me. To this day I still gravitate to them and my style has really been effected by the various artists who illustrated them. So here is my fantasy piece…what if such a book was published in the 60’s about the FF.”

Making Kirby Krackle

An informative tutorial on how to draw Kirby Krackle, courtesy of Los Angeles based artist Karl Altstaetter. Karl has worked Marvel, DC and Image as well as designing for video games, motion pictures and theme parks productions. For his own company, Hyperwerks Comics, he has co-created and illustrated such titles as Deity and Q-Unit. You can find more of Karl’s tutorials over on YouTube and more art can be found at his blog and DeviantArt page.

Contribute to the Jack Kirby Birthday Gallery

Saturday 28th August marks the 93rd anniversary of the birth of Jack Kirby. To celebrate the occasion, Kirby-Vision would like to invite all of our readers to contribute to our second Jack Kirby portrait gallery.

Last year’s birthday gallery was a great success and all of the artists who contributed excelled themselves with their tributes. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can all come up with this year and if you can’t find the time to contribute then please spread the word to any Kirby fans that you may know of.

All contributions can be sent to the usual address, deadline is Thursday 26th August, please mark your emails ‘Birthday’. Thank you.

The Avengers

Pop-art portraits of The Avengers by L.A. based graphic designer and Illustrator Geo. Most known as an art director, Geo has designed, produced and managed projects for the Brazilian live entertainment community. He sites Jack Kirby as one of his most important artistic influences and you can find more of his work over at DeviantArt.

Classic Thor/Avengers

Thor + The Hulk + The Avengers x Victor Santos = ‘Nuff said.

VSBlog_S4 Thor sample (3)

VSBlog_S4 Classic Avengers (3)

Sea Ghost


Another Kirby inspired pin-up from Jay PiscopoSea Ghost appears in the young readers graphic novel series, The Undersea Adventures of Capt’n Eli.

Keep Calm

Flame on

Steve Finch, AKA Fonographics, breathes new life into the much imitated Keep Calm and Carry On poster which was issued by the British Ministry of Information during the Second World War. Steve’s inspired take on this design classic is currently available to purchase from Zazzle.

Hulk ant man Surfer

Steve’s modernist comic book covers were previously featured on Kirby-Vision back in April. Above, we present a collection of the other Kirby inspired titles from the series (click image to enlarge) and we fully recommend that you follow the link to Steve’s DeviantArt gallery for more of this project.