FF & Doom

Dan Hipp creates “nerdy pop-culture art” in a singular, colourful style that’s always striking and comical. He is the creator of The Amazing Joy Buzzards, Gyakushu and the forthcoming all-ages book, Stray Days. You can find a plethora of Dan’s work at his blog and Flickr.

Fantastic Four #1

Paul Sizer recreates Jack’s iconic Fantastic Four #1 cover for Green Brain Comics FF 50th tribute exhibition.

Across the Universes

Thanks again to Enrico Salvini for this latest Giorgio Comolo gallery, which mixes Kirby creations from both Marvel and DC Universes.

Threely Dan

Playing catch-up with Dan McDaid.

Marvel meets DC as Orion grapples with the Absorbing Man as a mysterious stranger looks on (clue: it’s Loki).

A plethora of Kirby characters in this recent commission piece.

Celebrating Keith Giffen’s reboot of OMAC, with colours by Kyle Latino.

Cosmic Gallery

Squeegee that third eye for a gallery of cosmic proportions by Giorgio Comolo, courtesy of Enrico Salvini.