After Kirby

Darkseid and the Fantastic Four courtesy of Australian visual development artist, Daniel James Cox. Daniel’s clients include Warner Bros., Walt Disney, Touchstone Pictures and Weta Digital. You can find more of his work at his website and blog.

Original pencil artwork by Jack Kirby.

Thor Loves Hello Kitty

Thor and his secret love, courtesy of Italian artist Davide “OniBaka” De Rose Veltri. Since leaving art school Davide has been a tattooer and a toy sculptor. His latest project is the cartoon adventures of Little Caligari. Be sure to check out Davide’s blog and DeviantArt page for more.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Big Barda, Darkseid and The Demon courtesy of San Diego based Artist Joel Gomez.

Joel’s first professional comic art appeared in Top Cow’s Darkness series. Since then he has gone on to illustrate such titles as Witchblade, Wetworks and The Lost Boys: Reign of Frogs. You can find moe of Joel’s artwork at DeviantArt.

Galaxy 3

Thor, Silver Surfer and Galactus – commission piece by California based artist Ramon Villalobos. Full-time student Ramon is the writer and colourist of the web-comic, The Vitruvian Underground and you can find more of his artwork at his blog and DeviantArt page.

Dark Crystal

Two recent Kirby themed commissions from the brush of Ohio based designer and illustrator Andy Bennett. For more of Andy’s work be sure to visit his website and DeviantArt page.

Cover Versions

Two recreated Kirby covers courtesy of French web designer and “amateur penciller and painter” Michel Ravey.  Michel states: “It’s amazing how his covers, which had to be done probably in as little time as possible being productive as he was, were always just so right in terms of dynamics, motion, action. I always end up with something dull and static in comparison when I try to recreate one of his covers. But then like I said, I’m just doing that for fun in my spare time, so I guess it’s OK!”.

You can find more of Michel’s artwork, including several finished and un-finished cover re-creations, at his website – here.

FF Celebration

Many thanks to Davide Occhicone for contacting Kirby-Vision with the news that Italian comic website Lo Spazio Bianco is currently celebrating 50 years of the Fantastic Four. Over the next few weeks the website will be presenting 33 brand new pieces of art paying homage to Kirby and FF’s momentous debut issue.

Fantastic Four #1 re-imagined by legendary artist Giorgio Cavazzano.

The Demon

A panel from The Demon #7 recreated by illustrator/inker/writer Gary Martin. Gary has worked for all the major comic companies on such titles as Spider-Man, Batman, Star Wars and Mickey Mouse. He is best known for his work with Steve Rude on Nexus and Moth and author of two volumes of The Art of Comic Book Inking.  You can find more of Gary’s work at his website and comicartfans gallery.

Original art by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer (via What If Kirby).

Fin Fang Foom

Everyone’s favourite Mukluan Fin Fang Foom, courtesy of Georgia based artist Tradd Moore. Tradd graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2010 and is currently the penciller/inker on Image Comics’ The Strange Talent of Luther Strode. For more of Tradd’s artwork be sure to visit his blog and DeviantArt page.