Crystal and Lockjaw

Rittenhouse Artist Return card by Texan illustrator/graphic designer Cal Slayton. Cal is best known for the hit indie series Shades of Blue. His artwork has also been seen in Dead@17 Rough Cut, Super Hero Happy Hour, Digital Webbing Presents amongst others. He is currently working on the creator owned series, Spookytown. More of cal’s work can be found at his blog and DeviantArt page.

Family Apokolips

Darksied and Orion courtesy of Italian artist Mario Zuccarello. Mario is a freelance illustrator with a background in animation and fantasy game-books. You can find more of his work at his website and DeviantArt page.

Thing Collage

The Thing and a host of Kirby creations adorn this fantastic commission piece (for fellow Kirby-Vision contributor Steve Funnell) courtesy of Loston Wallace.

Third Dimension

Kirby inspired 3D artwork courtesy of Greg Bourlotos. Ex-marine corps Greg designs and installs computer networks for a living and you can find more of his work at his DeviantArt page – here.

Fighting American

Fighting American, a Joe Simon tribute sketch courtesy of Mike Moran. You can find more of Mike’s artwork at his blog and DeviantArt page.

Green, Orange, Yellow

Kirby-Vision regular Jay Piscopo treats us to gallery of rogues and heroes.


Let’s kick off the new year with this monstrous mock cover by Edmund Bagwell. Edmund is the co-creator of Cradlegrave which was serialized in the “Galaxy’s Greatest Comic” 2000AD. He is especially proud of slipping in more than a few Kirby dots into the pages of the British weekly as evidenced in this spread from the recent Indigo Prime series.

Edmund’s Kirby love is also featured in this spread for the CBLDF benefit book-  Transmetropolitan: All Around the World.

For more of Edmund’s work be sure to check out his blog here.