Temple of Doom

A huge thank you to Marc Basile for contacting Kirby-Vision with another in his Jack Kirby Fantasy series. The following story is purely fictional.
“Jack Kirby left Marvel Comics behind in the late 70’s and eventually went to work for Ruby Spears. He did however return periodically to comics. In 1983-84, Marvel contacted him with the proposition of illustrating a Treasury Edition style comic, much like his 2001: A Space Odyssey, of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Intrigued with the idea of working with Lucas and Spielberg, Jack took on the project and went about it the his usual “Kirby flair”, which did not sit well with George Lucas and so the project was scrapped. This inevitably led to his cryptic comment towards Star Wars “… some opus with a fifteen dollar conculsion!!!”




Arishem of the Celestials, courtesy of independent comic artist Dann Phillips. Dan is the writer/artist of Psycho and Starbomb and has provided art duties on titles such as Kreetor and the forthcoming Continium. You can find more of his work at his website and Deviantart page.


Doctor Doom by Mississauga, Ontario based Andrew Phan. 18 year old Andrew adds in his email, “Attached is a piece I did for myself, drawn, scanned then digitally colored. I’m still learning and hopefully my art will be seen around the world.”

Black Bolt

Black Bolt, inked from original Kirby pencils by Doug Hazlewood. Since winning the inking category of the original Official Marvel Try-out Contest in 1986, Doug has provided inks for numerous comic books including: Animal Man, The Flash, Birds of Prey, Doom Patrol and Teen Titans. You can find more of Doug’s work at his website and ComicArtFans gallery.

Bad Guys

A couple of Kirby bad guys courtesy of Chicago based illustrator and designer Tom Kelly. You can find more of Tom’s work at DeviantArt and daportfolio and his latest web/app comic Sword of the Savage Samurai is available through Graphicly.