Category Archives: Marc Basile

Temple of Doom

A huge thank you to Marc Basile for contacting Kirby-Vision with another in his Jack Kirby Fantasy series. The following story is purely fictional.
“Jack Kirby left Marvel Comics behind in the late 70’s and eventually went to work for Ruby Spears. He did however return periodically to comics. In 1983-84, Marvel contacted him with the proposition of illustrating a Treasury Edition style comic, much like his 2001: A Space Odyssey, of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Intrigued with the idea of working with Lucas and Spielberg, Jack took on the project and went about it the his usual “Kirby flair”, which did not sit well with George Lucas and so the project was scrapped. This inevitably led to his cryptic comment towards Star Wars “… some opus with a fifteen dollar conculsion!!!”



X-Men Pin-Ups

Kirby-Vision regular Marc Basile pays tribute to Lee/Kirby era X-Men with these marvellous (there really is no other word for them) Pin-Up Pages.

Happy Birthday Jack!

Today marks the 94th anniversary of Jack Kirby’s birth and to celebrate KIRBY-VISION proudly presents our annual portrait gallery in honour of ‘The King of Comics’.

Luis Chichón

Lanc Godwin

Rob Drew

J. A. Fludd

Marc Basile

David Terry

Rob Steibel

Jason Garrattley

David Clayton

Giorgio Comolo

Brendan Tobin

A huge thank you to all the artists who took the time to contribute to today’s gallery. Long live The King!

Team Work

A second post this week from Marc Basile as he tackles, with his usual flair, a couple of pieces from some of Jack’s more crowded 1960’s books.

Original artwork by Jack Kirby, please click to expand. Avengers artwork via comicartsfans.


Marc Basile fills us in on the story behind his latest pièce de résistance…“Around the time Jack came back to Marvel they wanted to get it’s hands into animation and toy licensing, so they started up the Micronauts, Godzilla and Shogun Warrior titles. One such title, Gigantor, was to be done by Jack, but it didn’t pan out . Not one to throw away an idea, Jack used the concept as inspiration for Machine Man a few years later.”

Original cover art by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer.

Colour Me Kirby

One of Jack’s legacies is the wealth of pencil and black white artwork which continues to inspire artists to indulge in honing their techniques. A perfect case in point is this colouring exercise courtesy of regular Kirby-Vision contributor, Marc Basile.

Happy Birthday Jack!

Today marks the 93rd anniversary of Jack Kirby‘s birth and to celebrate KIRBY-VISION proudly presents our second portrait gallery in honour of ‘The King of Comics’.


Marc Basile

Kirby 2010 @ 150

J.A. Fludd

Uriel A. Durán


Jason Garrattley

walking Lockjaw3

Lanc Godwin

British illustrator Jonathan Edwards made his debut in the influential comic magazine Deadline. Since then has forged a successful career as a commercial illustration and a long standing relationship with The Guardian newspaper providing editorial art. He is also the curator of Draw Serge, an illustrative tribute blog dedicated to the French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg. You can find more of Jonathan’s energetic work at his website and blog.


Luis Chichón

A big shout-out to all the artists who took the time to contribute to today’s gallery. And of course a huge thank you to Jack Kirby whose inspiration lives on. Long live The King!

More Adventures of the Fantastic Four

Marc Basile continues his Little Golden Book inspired, ‘Adventures of the Fantastic Four‘.