Category Archives: Jack Kirby

Portrait (with Darkseid Shadow)


Luis Chichón comments on the creation of this striking Kirby portrait:

I superimposed the features and helmet of Darkseid not to say that Kirby is one of the “bad guys”, but to say that he created his own gigantic worlds and populated them with characters whose lives were in his hands. Think of Darkseid as a Kirby avatar whose biggest interest is to put order in that (4th) world.

Inking Kirby

Kirby-Vision in motion with this short video from David Dell’oso. Dave is based in Phoenix, Arizona and self publishes his own comic book, Cartown Comics. A keen photographer and sculptor, Dave also keeps a regularly updated sketchblog here. Presented below are Dave’s finished inks taken from an unused page from New Gods #7, originally reproduced in Jack Kirby Collector #46.


Marvel Smartass!


Welcome to the world of Marvel Smartass!, a blog dedicated to exploring the Marvel Universe through incessant mockery. Tim Miner‘s blog affectionately lampoons the unbridled imagination and lack of common scene of the comics that shaped his childhood.

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Tim has recently championed Kirby-Vision contributors Dylan McCrae and Marc Basile in his weekly feature, Marvel BadAss! And this week the spotlight falls upon Kirby-Vision itself with an interview with your humble curator and a new Kirby collage especially created for the piece. Read all about it here.

Avengers #151


Avengers #151, inked and coloured from original Kirby pencils by Scott Reed.


Original cover by Jack Kirby and Dan Adkins can be found here.

Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik

IsaacB2_Burning Bush

Burning Bush (above) and Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire (below) courtesy of Californian artist/graphic designer, Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik. Taken from his latest exhibition, Paper Midrash, these paper-cut art pieces are based on bible stories and intersect comic mythology with the mythos of Judaism by use of cut-up comic books as background textures.

Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire_Isaacb2

The backgrounds incorporate a mix of different artists and characters including Alex Ross, Gil Kane, John Byrne, classic Sub-Mariner, early JLA and the Fantastic Four. Of particular interest to readers of Kirby-Vision is the inclusion of Jack Kirby’s artwork of  The Human Torch and The Watcher, highlighted in the details below (click to enlarge).

Burning Bush-detail_IsaacB2 Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of Fire-detail_Isaacb2

Isaac’s show runs from January 24th to February 27th at the Merage Jewish Community Center of Orange County, details of which can be found here.

IsaacB2_The Flood IsaacB2_Revelation at Sinai IsaacB2_Tree of Knowledge

Above: The Flood, Revelation, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (click to enlarge).

A short article by John Morrow on the influences of Judaism on Jack Kirby’s work can be found here.

Fantastic Four


Al Bigley presents the Fantastic Four and a gallery of frightful foes in this piece taken from original Jack Kirby pencils.

ff kirby pencils

Captain America #199


Captain America #199 re-imagined by Al Bigley. Original cover by Jack Kirby and Frank Giacoia here.

Captain America


Al Bigley provides this study of Captian America from original Jack Kirby pencils. Al’s diverse career has included comics for Marvel, D.C., Archie, Image and Disney, character design for the classic Batman: Animated series, a host of merchandising and licensed products and more recently the iPhone/iPod comic Geminar. He is the author of Draw Comics Like a Pro. Check out his website for more fabulous artwork.

cap kirby pencils marvel



Thanks to Juan Ortiz for passing on this beautiful pastel rendering of Hawkman (from original Jack Kirby pencils), by Los Angeles based concept artist Scott Seeto. Scott’s has worked in both the film and the gaming industries, his most recent project being the latest Astro Boy film. For more of Scott’s work be sure to visit his blog here.
