Category Archives: Jack Kirby




These portrait engravings were created by Steve Coates for a proposed gift certificate, to be tested by Calgary’s Redd Skull Comics, which will benefit The Kirby Museum along with the purchaser and dealer. Steve is “…self employed, providing technical graphics solutions to engineering and exploitation firms…”. He has assisted The Kirby Museum exhibit at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo and has manned the booths solo at a couple of provincial comic/toy shows on their behalf.



Suited and Booted

Southampton based designer/illustrator Paul Carter works up a second Kirby portrait to follow his Birthday tribute. Life-long Kirby fan Paul writes, “I think the mid 60’s Fantastic Four era was when I first discovered Jack’s work. In the UK where US comic distribution was sporadic to say the least, I had to spend my weekends trawling markets and rummaging through second-hand shops in hope of finding the odd back-issue. I guess I’ve still got a bit of a nostalgic soft-spot for that time.”

Contribute to Jack’s 95th Birthday Portrait Gallery

Hey folks, just a reminder that there’s still a few days left to submit artwork to our Birthday Portrait Gallery to celebrate Jack’s 95th birthday on Tuesday 28th August. Please send your portraits to the usual address, deadline is Sunday 26th August and please mark your emails ‘Kirby Portrait’.

Contribute to Jack’s 95th Birthday Portrait Gallery

Tuesday 28th August marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of Jack Kirby. To celebrate the occasion, Kirby-Vision would like to invite all of our readers to contribute to our annual Birthday Portrait Gallery.

As you can see from our previous galleries – 20112010 and 2009 – everyone who has contributed has excelled themselves with their tributes. There’s a lot of love out there for Jack and we’re looking forward to seeing what you all come up with this year.

You can send your portraits to the usual address, deadline is Sunday 26th August and please mark your emails ‘Kirby Portrait’.

Thank you.

Black Bolt

Black Bolt, inked from original Kirby pencils by Doug Hazlewood. Since winning the inking category of the original Official Marvel Try-out Contest in 1986, Doug has provided inks for numerous comic books including: Animal Man, The Flash, Birds of Prey, Doom Patrol and Teen Titans. You can find more of Doug’s work at his website and ComicArtFans gallery.