

Chicago based artist and designer Tom Kelly treats us to these powerful portraits of Modok and Thor. You can find more of Tom’s artwork at his DeviantArt page and portfolio blog.


One thought on “Blast!

  1. michael aguilar

    I have always been a supporter of Jack Kirby. When anybody would ask me about Marvel comics they would always bring up Stan Lee, I always told them that Jack Kirby was the Co-creator of Marvel comics. Well Stan Lee sits on a thrown of all the Marvel Characters Jack Kirby is forgotten. Although he gets credit whenever a Marvel movie comes out it little and too late. I always say that Jack Kirby inspired me. I am not a comic book artist but I make low-budget stop-motion films. I sent a link to I film I made. I do not know if you got it or not and if you did where it was posted. I would like to post a link to another film I made that was Marvel influenced because of Jack Kirby. Let me know if you got it and send me a reply of where it is posted.


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