Monthly Archives: August 2011

Team Work

A second post this week from Marc Basile as he tackles, with his usual flair, a couple of pieces from some of Jack’s more crowded 1960’s books.

Original artwork by Jack Kirby, please click to expand. Avengers artwork via comicartsfans.


Marc Basile fills us in on the story behind his latest pièce de résistance…“Around the time Jack came back to Marvel they wanted to get it’s hands into animation and toy licensing, so they started up the Micronauts, Godzilla and Shogun Warrior titles. One such title, Gigantor, was to be done by Jack, but it didn’t pan out . Not one to throw away an idea, Jack used the concept as inspiration for Machine Man a few years later.”

Original cover art by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer.

This Blog Wants You

No new posts this week as Kirby-Vision takes a short break, so here’s a reminder of our call for contributions for our annual Jack Kirby birthday portrait gallery.

Sunday 28th August marks the 94th anniversary of the birth of Jack Kirby. To celebrate the occasion, Kirby-Vision would like to invite all of our readers to send in their portraits of ‘The King of Comics’.

You can find our previous galleries here and here, both of which were a great success. We’re looking forward to seeing what you can all come up with this year and if you can’t find the time to contribute, then please spread the word to any Kirby fans that you may know.

The deadline for inclusion is Friday 26th August. All submissions can be sent to the usual address, please mark your emails “Birthday”. Thank you.