Drawing Inspiration

We round off a week of guest posts from Steve Coates with some of Steve’s own artwork, rendered in Copic Sketch Markers on marker board, “Everyone should recognize the iconic Jack Kirby images used for inspiration”.


Steve is an active member of the Jack Kirby Museum. He has provided logistics and physical support in bringing the awareness of Jack Kirby’s contribution to Pop Culture and Jack’s insurmountable influence on the comic industry. Although Museum Trustee Rand Hoppe has travelled to the major Alberta show (Calgary Expo), Steve has assumed the duties for exhibiting on behalf of the Jack Kirby Museum at the minor and intermediate shows within Alberta, Canada.



Steve Coates presents a fabulous piece from the man they call “The Dude.”

I’ve always been an admirer and follower of Steve Rude’s work. Fairly recently Steve did a fundraiser and a marker sketch commission was included in the pledge level I chose. The only instructions I gave to Steve was to use a Jack Kirby character and I might have commented on how much I like Steve’s rendering of the female form.


Calgary Expo Cosplay

Our second post this week courtesy of Steve Coates.

All the photos are from the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. The Galactus Costumer photograph is from the 2012, but he was by the Jack Kirby Museum booth again this year. All the other photos were taken from the 2013 booth and are of attendees walking by. Except for the Captain America Costumer, he was invited into the booth, so the display posters could be used as a background.


Calgary Expo Tribute Art

This week at KIRBY-VISION we will be featuring a number of posts from Kirby Museum member, Steve Coates.
First up, a selection of gifted artwork from the recent Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo.


Steve writes: While Michael Cho was attending the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, he presented a gift, an original Captain America portrait to the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center, to be used for fundraising. It is such a great piece, it has to be shared. The portrait is rendered with pen and marker on a 8.5 in x 11 in marker board. The piece did not sell over the Expo weekend and remains in the Museum’s possession. A big thank you goes out to Michael for his gift and for taking part of the Jack Kirby Influence panel during the Expo.


James Clement of Edmonton did the rendering of Captain America and the Hulk using pen and ink. James donated the 8.5 in x 11 in original to the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center, for fundraising efforts. The piece remains in the Museum’s possession and will be showcased at upcoming Alberta based shows. The museum is benefitting from the continued and increasing support from artists, like James. Keep up the good work James and hope to see you at the Edmonton Expo.

Kirby Kreatures


Tonight on Kirby-Vision a special report from our regular correspondent, Marc Basile:

It was April 1976. I turned 13 and for my landmark birthday I received, among other things, a red, white and blue Bicentennial theme transistor radio ( it only played AM stations), a copy of Origins of Marvel Comics and a few packs of KIRBY KREATURES sticker cards. Remember them? No neither do I because they never existed, but if they had they would have been right up there with my ( and everyone else’s ) Wacky Package collection.






Chicago based artist and designer Tom Kelly treats us to these powerful portraits of Modok and Thor. You can find more of Tom’s artwork at his DeviantArt page and portfolio blog.


Godoy Gallery

Godoy _ Fist of the King

Many thanks to Spanish artist Javi Godoy for sharing his weird and wonderful Kirby inspired artwork with the blog. For more from Javi be sure to visit his blog, flickrpage and etsy store.

Godoy _ Doctor Doom

Godoy _ The Thing

Godoy _ Bob Sponge

Godoy _ The Incredible Freud

Loopy Beast

beast-130513Years ago, the Kirby Museum’s Rand Hoppe made this loop of Beast from the initial splash of X-Men 8 (November 1964) by Jack Kirby & Chic Stone, Here’s a link to it in its original form, where you can right-click to zoom in.

The King and The Jester


An irreverent portrait of Jack and Stan (inspired by Sean Howe’s Marvel Comics: The Untold Story) by Israeli artist Yitzhak Shtarker.