
Repaneled is a brand new blog curated by Anthony Vukojevich where artists are invited to redraw their favorite comic book panels. With a tip of the hat to Robert Goodin’s Covered blog the site already boasts a number of Jack Kirby inspired pieces including this one by Kerry Callen.

Original art by Jack Kirby & Herb Trimpe, repaneled from Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles.


Galactus, courtesy of British designer/illustrator Robert Ball. You can find more of Robert’s singular style of vector illustration and love of super-heroes at his blog and flickr page.

The Enchantress

The Enchantress, a commission for this weekend’s New York Comic Con in Copic marker by Turkish artist, Mahmud A. Asrar. Mahmud came to prominence in the pages of the anthology, Digital Webbing Presents, before going on to produce work for Image and Marvel comics. He is the co-creator of the Image title, Dynamo 5. You can find more from Mahmud at his blog and DeviantArt page.

Playing Catch-up

Currently producing wonderful artwork for Marvel’s hit title Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Chris Samnee also manages to produce breathtaking character sketches on an almost daily basis. Here’s a catch-up of some recent Kirby inspired sketches and you can find many more of these at his blog and DeviantArt page. Enjoy!

Reed Recalls

Never mind the Pollock’s here Emerson Murray with Reed Recalls, a rendition in acrylic on canvas of a panel from Fantastic Four #1. You can find more of Emerson’s comic inspired art at his website and Flickr page.

Original art by Jack Kirby and George Klien.

Captain America Remake/Remodel

This week over at the Whitechapel forum, Warren Ellis laid down the gauntlet to re-imagine Captain America from just a few scant lines of description. Below we present a couple of designs from Kirby-Vision contributors, Paul Sizer & Thomas Perkins. You can find more imaginative interpretations of Cap at the remake/remodel thread here.

Paul Sizer

Thomas Perkins

The King & The D-Men

New Jersey based artist Blair Campbell created this portrait of Jack Kirby “kicking the snot out of Darkseid” to celebrate Jack’s recent 93rd birthday. A self confessed “novice illustrator” Blair decided earlier this year that it was time to get serious about his art and “hone his skills” with a daily drawing blog, Draw, Blair! Draw! Each day at the blog has a different theme and Blair frequently takes requests such as this homage to Kirby’s cover to The X-Men #1 featuring the students of Hogwarts.

Black Light

Graphic artist & art director Lanny Lathem expertly captures the phosphorus colour palette of the Marvel Third Eye posters using pin-ups created by Kirby during his tenure at DC Comics.

You can find a gallery of the original “Black Light” posters here, lovingly collected by Nick Derington.