Kirby FatKids

New Orleans web designer/graphic artist Brian Richard has drawn over a 130 pop culture inspired FatKids for his on-going Tumblr project, #FatKid has a Posse. Amongst the gallery of comic/film/TV characters can be found a number Kirby creations including the Hulk and the Fantastic Four. Check out the full gallery at Brain’s Flickr photostream, here.

4 Freedoms Plaza

Although not strictly a Kirby creation, 4 Freedom Plaza has been home to the Fantastic Four since the mid-eighties, a fact celebrated by Justin Van Genderen in just one of a series of travel posters based on mythological comic book locations. Justin is a freelance graphic designer/illustrator based in Chicago and you can find comprehensive galleries of his commercial and personal work at his website, Flickrpage and the Behance Network.

Darkseid’s Elite

The denizens of Apokolips in watercolour and ink courtesy of Turkish artist Yildiray Cinar. After an early career in animation Yildiray produced dozens of comic fanzines as part of the Capa Comics group. His US comic credits include Nothingface, Noble Causes, Teen Titans and currently Legion of Super Heroes. You can find more of Yildiray’s artwork at his blog and DeviantArt page.

With thanks to Mark Kardwell.

The Catastic Four

Tampa based artist Mike Maihack‘s unique vision of Marvel’s first family. Mike is the editor and art director of the Christian comic anthology, Parable, and creator of the webcomics, Cow & Buffalo and Cleopatra in Space. You can find more of Mike’s lovely artwork at his website, blog and DeviantArt page.

Mister Miracle

Another daring escape by Mister Miracle courtesy of Philadelphia based artist Dean Kotz. Dean’s comic credits include Poe for Boom Studios and The Black Coat for Ape Entertainment, amongst others. You can find more of his work at his sketch blog and DeviantArt page.


Galactus, The Devourer of Worlds, courtesy of graphic designer/painter/illustrator Keaton Tycer. Keaton owns and operates a small creative shop by the name of Art School Dropout Designs in Hammond, Louisiana. You can see more of Keaton’s colourful artwork at his Flickr photostream, here.

Devil Dinosaur Attack!

Devil Dinosaur splash page recreated in marker, acrylic, spray paint, enamel & varnish by UK artist Jason Atomic. With a background in comix, Jason now documents the freak icons of the underground art, music and club subcultures of London and Tokyo. You can find more of Jason energetic paintings at his website and Flickr page.

Original artwork, from Devil Dinosaur #1, by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer via Entrecomics.