Thing Collage Returns

Way back in January Kirby-Vision featured Loston Wallace‘s black and white commision piece, Thing Collage. Loston has now very kindly forwarded two very different colour treatments of the piece which we present for your viewing pleasue. Below you will find Matt Webb‘s rendition which utilises the sort of colour palette widely used on 1960s comic covers. This is followed by Steve Downer who brings his impressive digital skills to the artwork. Great jobs by both artists we’re sure you’ll agree.

Matt Webb

Steve Downer

Arnim Zola

“Eh-oh!”, it’s Nazi Teletubbie Armin Zola, courtesy of Derek Langille. Derek is an illustrator and designer based in Calgary, Canada and you can find more of his work at his websiteblog and Flickr photostream.

Kirby Sketchcards

Just a small selection of the Kirby character sketchcards that New York based artist Cory Smith has been posting over at his Twitpic gallery. Cory took up a daily sketch challenge in June of last year and has notched up an impressive 168 cards so far. The full gallery, as it stands, can be found here and you can find more of cory’s work at his blog and DeviantArt page.

A big Kirby-Vision thanks goes out to Travis Ellisor for the link to Cory’s Gallery.

X-Men Pin-Ups

Kirby-Vision regular Marc Basile pays tribute to Lee/Kirby era X-Men with these marvellous (there really is no other word for them) Pin-Up Pages.

March MODOK Madness

It’s that time of year again when Brendan Tobin and Pedro Delgaro unleash their monstrous celebration of one of Jack’s most bizarre creations, March MODOK Madness. The collaborative art blog is now in it’s fifth year and boasts over 500 unique interpretations of the Mobile Organism Designed Only for Killing from an international roster of artists. If your preference in villains is balloon headed cyber-enhanced psychopaths then make sure that March MODOK Madness is part of your 5-a-day.


A moody take on the son of Darkseid courtesy of Grey Williamson. Grey is an artist/writer/sculptor/designer and founder of the design team Carbon-Fibre Media. You can also find more of his artwork at his DeviantArt page.

Gallery of Heroes

Many thanks to Kirby-Vision regular Jay Piscopo for this latest collection of Kirby inspired artwork.