Category Archives: Tim Miner

Comic Strip Kirby

Tim Miner channels Kirby through a secession of classic comic strip characters including Hagar, Beetle Bailey, the Family Circus, Nancy and the Katzenjammer Kids. You can find more of Tim’s work (and that of his Daughter Gracie) at the fantastic 5 Minute Marvels blog.

Big Bear – 5 Minute Marvels


These charming portraits of the crazy-haired New God Big Bear, were created by Tim Miner (aged 36) and his daughters, Cate (4) and Grace (6), for Tim’s new kid/adult art blog, 5 Minute Marvels. This fun project encourages adults and children to draw together and share their love of comic and cartoon characters. Full details of how to contribute are availiable here.

Marvel Smartass!


Welcome to the world of Marvel Smartass!, a blog dedicated to exploring the Marvel Universe through incessant mockery. Tim Miner‘s blog affectionately lampoons the unbridled imagination and lack of common scene of the comics that shaped his childhood.

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Tim has recently championed Kirby-Vision contributors Dylan McCrae and Marc Basile in his weekly feature, Marvel BadAss! And this week the spotlight falls upon Kirby-Vision itself with an interview with your humble curator and a new Kirby collage especially created for the piece. Read all about it here.