Category Archives: Jack Kirby

Silver Surfer #1


UK artist/print-maker Mick Statham re-imagines Silver Surfer #1, inked from an original Jack Kirby sketch and rendered in Mick’s own unique style. For more of mick’s work take a look at his website and blog. The original cover by John Buscema can be found here.

The King & The Worst


“During the Second World War, terrible things happened but what was never known was that the fate of the world depended on two soldiers: “The king of comics” Jack Kirby and “The worst film director ever” Ed Wood. Their mission was to embrace their unusual fate. Bats, dead Nazis, evil beings and a strange mentor will change their lives, but not in this world, it will all be on the other side of the mirror.”

The King & The Worst is a short Spanish film by David Galán Galindo, looks like a lot of fun. For more info take a look at David’s Blog (in Spanish).

So Speaks Galactus!

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A fresh perspective on the First appearance of Galactus courtesy of Euan Mactavish. Insert art by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott from Fantastic Four #48.

Una Aventura Fantastica


This pulp fiction homage to Kirby comes courtesy of Vancouver based illustrator Josue Menjivar. Josue is the author of the comics Cicada and Broken Fender and the newspaper strips Everyday Things and Way Off Main. You can view more of Josue’s work at his website Fresh Brewed Illustration.


FF-MidnightMenCoverJack Kirby Collector 47

“What-if Jack stayed at Marvel and decided to introduce his ‘Midnight Men’ there?” poses Australian artist, Shane Foley, in this piece based on a Kirby pin-up. Shane’s work has been published in numerous Australian comics, including ‘Australian War Stories’, ‘The Dark Nebula’ and ‘Krash’. He is also is a frequent contributor to The Jack Kirby Collector magazine. Shane is currently without a website but you can see some of his work at the site of friend and frequent colourist Randy Sargent.

Silver Surfer and Doom

Surfer and Doom 72

The Silver Surfer & Doctor Doom – inked from original Kirby pencils by J.A. Fludd.

Happy Birthday, Jack!

Today marks the 92nd anniversary of Jack Kirby‘s birth and to celebrate KIRBY-VISION proudly presents a portrait gallery in honour of ‘The King of Comics’.


First up we have emmy award nominated puppeteer Steve Sherman.

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J.A. Fludd


Uriel A. Durán


Jorge Fornés


Jason Garrattley


Steven Brower


Robb Waters


Josh Burggraf

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Warwick Johnson Cadwell

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Paul Conrad


As inker/letterer for the majority of Jack’s work throughout the 70’s and 80’s, Mike Royer, is well known to fans of the site. My thanks to Mike for his permission to use this portrait and to Rob Steibel for submitting the commisioned artwork.

KIRBY-VISION would like to send out a huge thank you to all the artists who took the time to contribute to the gallery. Despite looming deadlines and moving houses (and other such excuses) you really pulled out all the stops to pay tribute to Jack’s inspiration.