Category Archives: Jack Kirby


Friday the 28th August is the 92nd anniversary of the birth of Jack Kirby.
To celebrate the occasion, Kirby-Vision would like to invite all readers to contribute to a Jack Kirby portrait gallery to be posted here on the 28th.

Please send all contributions to the usual address by Wednesday 26th August, marked ‘Birthday’.

Looking Back…


For Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on the fortieth anniversary of their “…giant leap for Mankind”.

Guns Don’t Argue

Bullets for Big Al‘, taken from issue #1 of ‘In the Days of the Mob‘.
Art by Jack Kirby & Vince Colletta. Read the original version here.


Darkseid – collaged, inked and coloured from Jack Kirby pencils by Steven Brower. Steven is a Graphic Designer and Writer from New York. He is the author of ‘Satchmo: The Wonderful World and Art of Louis Armstrong’ and is currently working on a book about Mort Meskin for Fantagraphics. Steven’s design work can be found at his website and blog.

Orion of New Genesis

Orion of New Genesis – inked and coloured, from an original Kirby sketch, by Florida based Illustrator and Designer Scott Reed. Scott began his comics career inking various projects for Dark Horse, Malibu and Marvel, before moving on to provide artwork for ‘G.I.M.P’ and ‘Redneck Red’. He is the Writer of Image Comics ‘The Overman‘ and the Creator of the graphic novels, ‘The Last Odyssey’ and ‘High Strangeness’. More of Scott’s work can be found at his Website.