Category Archives: Bucky

Gallery of Heroes

Many thanks to Kirby-Vision regular Jay Piscopo for this latest collection of Kirby inspired artwork.


Heroes & Villains

Two action packed pieces that wouldn’t look out of place on the covers of their respective books by Alex Williamson. Alex is a senior designer for a sign/vehicle wrap company and a part-time artist (currently working on sample pages) and co-creator of the webcomic Brass Falcon. You can find more of his work at his website – here.

1943: American Forces in Italy


Italian artist Stefano Pavan steps into the Kirby-Vision spotlight. A life long Kirby devotee, Stefano’s work has appeared in the Italian comic anthologies Freak City, Monstars and Fulci: Poeta del Macabro. In the first piece this week from Stefano, we find Captain America, Bucky and the Howling Commandos enjoying some well earned R and R at the beginning the Allied troops Italian Campaign.