Monthly Archives: January 2014

Inking Kirby


Doug Hazlewood inks two new pieces from Kirby originals.

Doug writes: “The FIGHTING AMERICAN piece I inked over bluelined vintage pencils I found online. I worked with them in Photoshop to make them not so ‘squatty’. In making the image more proportional to 11 x 17 it made him not look so blocky and a bit more slender. I liked it better. Maybe the original was not quite as squatty and it happened with someone saving the copy of the image that way. I know someone inked it for publication somewhere before, as there is a color version online. This is my crack at the pencils. I remember how exciting it was to see the ads for the Harvey reprint back in the 60’s and I finally got one I think through the mail. I had been unaware of the character.”


X-MEN #9 title splash recreation. “I definitely tried to be very faithful to the original one. Can’t improve on that Kirby/Stone goodness!! Inked over printed bluelines.”



Scan of original splash page by Kirby and Chic Stone via What If Kirby

Flame On!

 Jeff Davidson is an amateur artist based in North Carolina, here’s what he has to say about his musical tribute to the King of Comics:

“I used to play the song with my band The Earthtones way back in 2004. I recorded the song on my computer, and since my band had broken up, I had to use a loop track for the drum parts, but I recorded everything else, vocals, bass and guitar. I eventually got the idea to make a “video” for it by drawing a series of pictures on 4×6 index cards. While illustrating the video, I dived deep into Kirby era FF and in the process became a HUGE Kirby fan. Studying Kirby’s style has helped me to embrace my own style, and helped me to be true to myself as an artist. I don’t believe there should be a difference between fine art and illustration, especially when the artist is expressing deep personal thoughts and feelings, like Jack Kirby certainly did. I am one of those crazy guys that think Kirby’s artwork should hang in museums right along side other great abstract and modern artists that are generally accepted to be “fine art”.”

Johnny Storm,The Human Torch edit





Rouges Gallery


Happy New Year, Kirby-fans, let’s kick off 2014 with a gallery of nefarious reprobates from the pen of Boston-based artist Chris Goodwin. Chris’ portfolio includes work for the video and role-playing games industries alongside private commissioned portraiture. He teaches painting at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. You can find more of his work at his website and Flickr photostream.



