The Collected Jack Kirby Collector – Volume 2

Index by Kenn THOMAS

Amash, Jim, 59
Animal Hospital, 109-110
Animation, 104-112
Argentina, 138
Australia, 130
Battle For A Three Dimensional World, 114
Belly dancer, 59
Black Hole, 96-97
Boyd, Jerry, 59
Brazil, 138-139
Byrne, John, 128-129
Captain Marvel, 62-63
Captain Nice, 86
Caputo, Nick, 60, 117
Carson, Johnny, 114
Comic-Con International Kirby Panel (7/6/96), 144-153
Conan, 19
Crimson Tide movie reference, 114
Dark Water, 111
Demon sketch (last DC work), 28
Destroyer Duck, 72-75
Disneyland comic convention, early 70s, 80
Doctor Mortalis, 11113
Dorf, Shel, 46, 48
Earl the Rabbitt, 37
Empire Pictures, 112-113
England, 124
Evanier, Mark, 144-153
Fantastic Four (animated) 104-106
Fighting American, 35, 36, 64, 65
Fleisher cartoons, 112
Fleming, Glenn B., (British fan), 6-34, 25, 29, 30
Forever Amore, 115, 119
France, 154-158
From Here To Insanity, 37, 38
Geller, Ira, 98-103
Gerber, Steve, 72-75
Germany, 140
Goldie Gold and Action Jack, 107-108
Goozlebobber, 38
Greece, 143
Green Hornet, 80
Hamilton, Richard, 67
Harper, Chris, 127
Hawkman, 111
Hippies in Thor, 61
Holland, 141
Humor, 35-77
Incredible Hulk TV show appearance, 114
Ireland, 126
Italian interview, 121-123
Italy, 121-123, 32-137 143
Jack Kirby Quarterly, 127
Jack Kirby: The Unpublished Archives (trading cards), 110-111
Joshua at the Walls of Jericho, 20
Kirby, Roz, 40-51
Kubrick, Stanley, 90
Langridge, Roger, 126
Lichtenstein, Roy, 67
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (reference), 114
Lone Ranger, 55
Lords of Light, 19, 98103
Lockjaw (alligator), 53
Lucca, Italy, 121-123, 132- 137
Malaysia, 142
Mattel Game Cards, 55
May, Harold, 58
Merry Marvel Marching Society, 76
Mind Master, 112-113
Modern sculpture, 66
Moses, 20
Morrisey, Rich, 117
Morrow, Pamela, 5
My Date, 52
Not Brand Echh, 70-71
Patsy and Hedy (cameo), 63
Phillipines, 143
Picasso, 67
Pop Art, 67
Popeye, 112
Portugal, 143
Princess of Power, 111
Prisoner, 8-9, 91-95
Punch and Judy, 53
Rickels, Goody, 39, 48, 49
Ruby-Spears, 108-111
Rude, Steve, 117, 159
Scotland, 125
Shaw!, Scott, 37-39, 59-60
Sherman, Steve, 60-61, 85
Silver Star, 85
Singapore, 142-143
Sinnott, Joe, 117
Spain, 141
Sports, 68-69, 77
Spurlock, David, 144-153
Star Wars (compared to New Gods), 87-89
Starman Zero, 85
Stern, Roger, 144-153
Stuntman, 78-84
Super Friends, 107
Superman, 55-57
Tarantino, Quention, 114
Tarzan, 55
Taylor, Stanm, 118
Thundarr the Barbarian, 34, 106-111
Tiger 21, 85
Tonight Show, 114
Turkey, 143
2001 A Space Odyssey, 90
Von Sholly, Peter, 58
Washington, Denzel, 114
Win-A-Prize, 53, 54
Wolfman, Marv, 144-153
Wood, Wally, 71

The Collected Jack Kirby Collector – Volume 1

The Collected Jack Kirby Collector, Volume 1
Index by Kenn THOMAS

AcmeCon (Greensboro, NC), 193
Adams, Neal, 25
Argosy Magazine, 81, 129
Art Alterations, 68-69
Art of Jack Kirby, 81
Baycon, 75
Beatles, 88, 177
Black Panther, 215-217
Canceled Comics Calvacade, 38, 51
Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles, 56
Captain Victory, 105
Christie’s Auction House (New York), 52
Creation Con (New York), 171
Credit (for Kirby), 48
Dingbats of Danger Street, 153-157
Esquire, 46
Evanier, Mark, 112-122, 182-192
Family and friends (in art), 86
Fantastic Four, 197-239
Fantasy Masterpieces (Kirby inks self), 47
Fourth World, 92-126
France, 66
Funny Animals, 90
Galactus Trilogy, 210-214
Gonads (Silver Star reference), 47
Heroes Con (Charlotte, NC), 168
The Horde! (novel), 163
Hunger Dogs, 106-107
Interviews, 40, 41, 130, 172, 176, 180-181
Isabella, Tony, 182-192
The Jack Kirby Collector, 22-23, 36, 41, 50, 64, 78, 128, 162, 199
The Jack Kirby Quarterly, 66
Jack Kirby Masterworks, 80
Jack Kirby’s Gods, 80
Jack Kirby’s Heroes and Villains, 80
Jupiter Plaque, 88
Kamandi, 38
Kennedy, John F., 46
Kid Gangs, 136-157, 194
KIRBY, a collection of the artistry of Jack Kirby, 32, 33
Kirby, The Jack Kirby Treasury, 81
Kirby, Rosalind, 169
Kirby Unleashed, 32, 33, 80
Marvelmania, 24, 42-43, 60-63, 70-71, 80, 84-85
McCartney, Paul, 177
Mediascene, 37
Merry Marvel Marching Society, 84-85
Miamicon, 75
Monsters, 30, 31
Museum of Fine Arts (Montgomery, AL), 28, 29
NASA, 88
National Museum of Cartoon Art (London), 67
New Gods, see Fourth World
Newhart, Bob, 50
Original Art, 26, 27
Patriotic Heroes, 89
Quotation Marks (Kirby’s use of), 34
Royer, Mike, 72-74, 102-104, 182-192
Ruby, Jack, 46
Ruby-Spears, 65
San Diego Comic Con, 168
Sandman, 38, 39, 47
Sherman, Steve, 51, 96-99, 177
Silver Star, 47
Simon, Joe, 54-55
Sinnott, Joe, 182-192, 220-228
Sotheby’s, 26, 27
Steranko, Jim, 172-176
Street Code, 81, 129
Toth, Alex, 172-176
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)(speech by JK), 82-83
Women, 74, 110-111
Words and Pictures Museum (Northampton, Mass.), 44-45

Lawyers discuss Copyright Termination – Who owns Light Man?

Essential listening for those of you interested in understanding the legal context of the copyright termination letters that the Kirby heirs delivered in September 2009.

Host Doug Lichtman (Professor, UCLA School of Law) and guests Peter Menell (Professor of Law, UC Berkeley) and David Nimmer (Author, “Nimmer on Copyright”) informally discuss termination rights as part of Intellectual Property Colloqium.

Click on over to the Copyright Termination page to listen.

Red, White and Blue (in pencil)!

A few treats to celebrate Independence Day here in the US:

Scans of photocopies of Kirby pencil art from Captain America’s Bicentennial battles! (With a focus on splashes and spreads.)

The House That Jack Built – Tom Kraft’s video slideshow

Tom Kraft, who made the video slideshow above, loaned many pieces of Kirby art to the Fumetto exhibit.

Have you seen Tom’s great What If Kirby website?

Fumetto Panel Discussion – Nadel, Gravett, Hoppe

I’ve posted the slightly-longer-than-an-hour Kirby discussion that Dan Nadel, Paul Gravett and I had last Saturday at Fumetto on (If YouTube approves the Kirby Museum’s Non-Profit application, I’ll move the video there.)

I’d like to acknowledge and thank Greg Theakston for gifting his Kirby papers to the Kirby Museum – these papers were the source for the Street Code and the V-mail included in the Fumetto exhibit.

Having listened to the talk many times while preparing it for posting, I’m compelled to clarify and/or correct:

  • Many pre-code comics were not “for adults, not kid stuff,” they were all-ages. An important distinction.
  • Kirby’s wartime ailment was trenchfoot, not frostbite.
  • The Fourth World wasn’t only “expensive” considering the sales level, affidavit fraud by distributors contributed to the low sales levels used in that equation.
  • I should not have included Bob Powell along with Joe Orlando and Wally Wood regarding artists’ concerns about being paid for writing the comics via their pencil artwork.

That’s Tom Morehouse speaking from the audience a few times. Tom Kraft manned the video camera. The last question, about Kirby’s output, is asked by Fabrice Stroun.

Thanks again to Fumetto, Dan and Paul.

The House That Jack Built – Paul Gravett’s video tours

Four video tours shot and narrated by Paul Gravett, co-curator with Dan Nadel of this Jack Kirby exhibit mounted by Fumetto International Comix Festival, 2010. I’ve included all four in a YouTube playlist – they should play in sequence.

1984 – Kirby in 3-D: Honeycomb Kids Posters

Get out your red & blue 3-D glasses!

In 1984, Jack Kirby provided the pencil art for 3-D posters to be given away in boxes of General Foods’ Post Honeycomb breakfast cereal.

To improve the 3-D experience for this article, the scans of the posters have been adjusted to reduce shadowing brought about by differences in the gels in the glasses and the inks used in printing. Kirby provided pencil art for four posters, but only three were produced. Mike Thibodeaux provided the ink art on all three; note the changes to the BMX Fever! poster from pencil to final.


Ray Zone provided the 3-D art. A few years earlier, in 1982, Zone, Kirby and Thibodeaux worked together on the “Battle For A Three Dimensional World!” project, which will be featured in a future article.


Thanks to:

  • Kirby Museum Trustee John Morrow for scanning his BMX Fever and Fireball Action posters. John used the 3-D Honeycomb poster work as illustrations for his interview with Mike Thibodeaux in Jack Kirby Collector #15 (April 1997), and he featured an interview with Ray Zone in his Jack Kirby Collector Forty-Five (Winter 2006).
  • Museum Member Tom Morehouse for allowing his Honeycomb Cereal box to be scanned.

Jack Kirby Art Exhibit – Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ 28 March – 16 May

“The Marvelous Art of Jack Kirby” will be exhibited by the Hunterdon Art Museum in Clinton, New Jersey from 28 March through 16 May 2010.

During the opening at 2pm on Sunday, 28 March, artist/instructor/collector (and Kirby Museum member) Charles David Viera will present a gallery talk where he will speak of the many contributions that Jack Kirby has made to American Pop Culture and offer insight to the artwork in the exhibition.

Below is a list of pieces being exhibited. The list is currently incomplete, though; some story page details need to be verified, a Fantastic Four page with ink art by Joe Sinnott is not included.

Stuntman: “Curtain Call for Death!” page 7, 1946
Story and script by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. Pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Lettering art by Howard Ferguson
First published: Stuntman Comics 2, June 1946 (Harvey Comics).

Bulls-Eye: “Grandma Tomahawk” page XX, 1954
Story and script by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. Pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Lettering art by Ben Oda.
First published: Bulls-Eye 5, April 1955 (Mainline Comics).

Sky Masters of the Space Force: “Mayday Shannon” strip 46, 1958
Story by Jack Kirby, Dick Wood and Dave Wood. Pencil Art by Jack Kirby. Ink art and lettering art by Wallace Wood.
First published: Sky Masters of the Space Force, 30 April 1959 (Adams Syndicate).

Two-Gun Kid: “The Outlaw” page XX, 1960
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby. Script by Stan Lee. Ink art by Dick Ayers. Lettering art by XX.
First published: Two Gun Kid 55, August 1960 (Marvel Comics).

Fantastic Four: “The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!” page 12, 1963
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Dick Ayers. Lettering art by Artie Simek.
First published: Fantastic Four 16, July 1963 (Marvel Comics).

X-Men: “Enter, The Avengers” page 8, 1964
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Chic Stone. Lettering art by Sam Rosen.
First published: X-Men 9, January 1965 (Marvel Comics).

Thor: “The Grandeur and the Glory!” page 3, 1965
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Vince Colletta, Lettering art by Artie Simek.
First published: Journey Into Mystery 124, January 1966 (Marvel Comics).

Thor: “The Grandeur and the Glory!” page 5, 1965
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Vince Colletta, Lettering art by Artie Simek.
First published: Journey Into Mystery 124, 1966 (Marvel Comics).

Thor: “The Grandeur and the Glory!” page 11, 1965
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Vince Colletta, Lettering art by Artie Simek.
First published: Journey Into Mystery 124, 1966 (Marvel Comics).

Captain America: “The Secret!” page 6, 1966
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby. Script by Stan Lee. Ink art by Frank Giacoia. Lettering art by Artie Simek.
First published: Tales of Suspense 86, February 1967 (Marvel Comics).

Captain America: “In The Name of Batroc!” page 7, 1968
Story by Jack Kirby with Stan Lee. Pencil art by Jack Kirby, Script by Stan Lee, Ink art by Dan Adkins. Lettering art by Sam Rosen.
First published: Captain America 105, September 1968 (Marvel Comics).

Forever People: “Super War” page XX, 1970
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Vince Colletta. Lettering art by John Costanza.
First published: Forever People 2, April 1971 (DC Comics).

Soul Love: “The Teacher!” page 6
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Vince Colletta. Lettering art by John Costanza.
Unpublished. Produced for Soul Love 1, 1971 (DC Comics).

Soul Love: “The Teacher!” page 7
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Vince Colletta. Lettering art by John Costanza.
Unpublished. Produced for Soul Love 1, 1971 (DC Comics).

Soul Love: “The Teacher!” page 8
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Vince Colletta. Lettering art by John Costanza.
Unpublished. Produced for Soul Love 1, 1971 (DC Comics).

In The Days of the Mob: “XX” page 6, 1971
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art and lettering art by Mike Royer.
Unpublished. Produced for In The Days of the Mob 2, 1972 (DC Comics).

Kamandi: “The Devil’s Arena” page 21, 1972
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art and lettering art by Mike Royer.
First published: Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth 4, March 1973 (DC Comics)

The Eternals: “The Devil In New York” page 14, 1976
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by John Verpoorten. Lettering art by John Costanza.
First published: The Eternals 3, September 1976 (Marvel Comics).

Machine Man: “Quick Trick” page 1, 1978
Story, script and pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art and lettering art by Mike Royer.
First published: Machine Man 6, September 1978 (Marvel Comics).

Superman & Challengers of the Unknown: “Give Me Power, Give Me Your World!” page 15, 1985.
Story and script by Bob Rozakis. Pencil art by Jack Kirby. Ink art by Greg Theakston. Lettering art by John Costanza.
First published: DC Comics Presents 84, August 1985 (DC Comics).

Additional events hosted by the Hunterdon Art Museum in conjunction with the exhibit:

1 – a lecture titled “Appreciation of Comic Art” presented by Joseph Mannarino on Saturday, 10 April at 12 noon.

2 – Doug Baron will teach a Beginner Comic Book Illustration Class for adults (16 and over) April 19-May 17. `

Hunterdon Art Museum on Google Maps

Original Art Digital Archive – The Teacher!

At July 2008’s Comic-Con International: San Diego, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund auctioned “The Teacher!”, a story Jack Kirby wrote and drew for National Periodical Publications’ aborted Soul Love magazine. Inked by Vincent Colletta and possibly lettered by John Costanza, “The Teacher!” was one of six stories Kirby produced for Soul Love.

The many white-out and blue pencil corrections on the characters’ faces throughout this story point to the turmoil of the Soul Love project.

Having moved to California in early 1969 and left Marvel a little more than a year later, Kirby pitched a number of trend- and segment-hopping ideas to his new publisher, National (DC). One possibility was DC entering the non-juvenile black-and-white comics magazine segment. Trailblazed a decade and a half earlier by William Gaines with Mad Magazine to avoid the Comics Code Authority in the wake of the U.S. Senate’s “Kefauver” Juvenile Delinquency Hearings, the black-and-white comics magazine segment was the haven of Warren Magazines, publishers of Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella.

Unfortunately, the distribution of Kirby and DC’s first entries into the segment, Spirit World and In The Days of the Mob magazines, was unreliable. Soul Love, intended to tap into the black “urban” market, died on the vine; in addition to the distribution woes, the magazine was hindered by tinkering with the art at the DC offices over concerns of the representation of African-American faces.

As with all pieces included in the Kirby Museum’s Original Art Digital Archive, both sides of the art pages were scanned at 600 dpi, in RGB color, and saved with a lossless compression algorithm.

Thanks to the CBLDF for allowing us the time to scan this wonderful ten page artifact from an interesting period of Kirby’s career.

A few of the pages: