A photocopy of pencil art.
11″ by 17″
Well, this may be the only long-form capture of Jack Kirby drawing.
A little blurry, but still a treasure. Enjoy.
Jack Kirby was known for many things but one of the more obscure is his unique sense of color. This is in evidence in the artwork he is known to have hand colored, presentation pieces and personal work.
He is also known to have provided color guides to printers for various covers, which also feature the same idiosyncratic range of colors. In question are myriad other covers and interiors that feature the same limited range, but there is no way of verifying his hand.
Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to create a Kirby color palette. I’ve created palettes like this when I’ve redesigned magazines and illustrator friends have their own. I only used as a guide known Kirby colored personal and presentation pieces. Kirby uses a pretty limited color palate, comprised mostly of secondary and some tertiary colors. The absence of primary colors makes me wonder if his approach wasn’t a reaction to the limitations of the CMYK comic book printing, where so many primaries were used.
I started with scanned art and then compared it to printed pieces. There would be a range within a tone, and I picked the middle hue. I was able to boil it all down to 36 colors, although if pushed I think it could be reduced further.
This could be used as a reference guide when trying to discern if something might be colored by Kirby. However one would need to explore whether anyone else at the time used a similar color palette. It also offers yet another aspect of what made Jack unique.
—Steven Brower
Index by Kenn THOMAS
Amash, Jim, 59
Animal Hospital, 109-110
Animation, 104-112
Argentina, 138
Australia, 130
Battle For A Three Dimensional World, 114
Belly dancer, 59
Black Hole, 96-97
Boyd, Jerry, 59
Brazil, 138-139
Byrne, John, 128-129
Captain Marvel, 62-63
Captain Nice, 86
Caputo, Nick, 60, 117
Carson, Johnny, 114
Comic-Con International Kirby Panel (7/6/96), 144-153
Conan, 19
Crimson Tide movie reference, 114
Dark Water, 111
Demon sketch (last DC work), 28
Destroyer Duck, 72-75
Disneyland comic convention, early 70s, 80
Doctor Mortalis, 11113
Dorf, Shel, 46, 48
Earl the Rabbitt, 37
Empire Pictures, 112-113
England, 124
Evanier, Mark, 144-153
Fantastic Four (animated) 104-106
Fighting American, 35, 36, 64, 65
Fleisher cartoons, 112
Fleming, Glenn B., (British fan), 6-34, 25, 29, 30
Forever Amore, 115, 119
France, 154-158
From Here To Insanity, 37, 38
Geller, Ira, 98-103
Gerber, Steve, 72-75
Germany, 140
Goldie Gold and Action Jack, 107-108
Goozlebobber, 38
Greece, 143
Green Hornet, 80
Hamilton, Richard, 67
Harper, Chris, 127
Hawkman, 111
Hippies in Thor, 61
Holland, 141
Humor, 35-77
Incredible Hulk TV show appearance, 114
Ireland, 126
Italian interview, 121-123
Italy, 121-123, 32-137 143
Jack Kirby Quarterly, 127
Jack Kirby: The Unpublished Archives (trading cards), 110-111
Joshua at the Walls of Jericho, 20
Kirby, Roz, 40-51
Kubrick, Stanley, 90
Langridge, Roger, 126
Lichtenstein, Roy, 67
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (reference), 114
Lone Ranger, 55
Lords of Light, 19, 98103
Lockjaw (alligator), 53
Lucca, Italy, 121-123, 132- 137
Malaysia, 142
Mattel Game Cards, 55
May, Harold, 58
Merry Marvel Marching Society, 76
Mind Master, 112-113
Modern sculpture, 66
Moses, 20
Morrisey, Rich, 117
Morrow, Pamela, 5
My Date, 52
Not Brand Echh, 70-71
Patsy and Hedy (cameo), 63
Phillipines, 143
Picasso, 67
Pop Art, 67
Popeye, 112
Portugal, 143
Princess of Power, 111
Prisoner, 8-9, 91-95
Punch and Judy, 53
Rickels, Goody, 39, 48, 49
Ruby-Spears, 108-111
Rude, Steve, 117, 159
Scotland, 125
Shaw!, Scott, 37-39, 59-60
Sherman, Steve, 60-61, 85
Silver Star, 85
Singapore, 142-143
Sinnott, Joe, 117
Spain, 141
Sports, 68-69, 77
Spurlock, David, 144-153
Star Wars (compared to New Gods), 87-89
Starman Zero, 85
Stern, Roger, 144-153
Stuntman, 78-84
Super Friends, 107
Superman, 55-57
Tarantino, Quention, 114
Tarzan, 55
Taylor, Stanm, 118
Thundarr the Barbarian, 34, 106-111
Tiger 21, 85
Tonight Show, 114
Turkey, 143
2001 A Space Odyssey, 90
Von Sholly, Peter, 58
Washington, Denzel, 114
Win-A-Prize, 53, 54
Wolfman, Marv, 144-153
Wood, Wally, 71
The Collected Jack Kirby Collector, Volume 1
Index by Kenn THOMAS
AcmeCon (Greensboro, NC), 193
Adams, Neal, 25
Argosy Magazine, 81, 129
Art Alterations, 68-69
Art of Jack Kirby, 81
Baycon, 75
Beatles, 88, 177
Black Panther, 215-217
Canceled Comics Calvacade, 38, 51
Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles, 56
Captain Victory, 105
Christie’s Auction House (New York), 52
Creation Con (New York), 171
Credit (for Kirby), 48
Dingbats of Danger Street, 153-157
Esquire, 46
Evanier, Mark, 112-122, 182-192
Family and friends (in art), 86
Fantastic Four, 197-239
Fantasy Masterpieces (Kirby inks self), 47
Fourth World, 92-126
France, 66
Funny Animals, 90
Galactus Trilogy, 210-214
Gonads (Silver Star reference), 47
Heroes Con (Charlotte, NC), 168
The Horde! (novel), 163
Hunger Dogs, 106-107
Interviews, 40, 41, 130, 172, 176, 180-181
Isabella, Tony, 182-192
The Jack Kirby Collector, 22-23, 36, 41, 50, 64, 78, 128, 162, 199
The Jack Kirby Quarterly, 66
Jack Kirby Masterworks, 80
Jack Kirby’s Gods, 80
Jack Kirby’s Heroes and Villains, 80
Jupiter Plaque, 88
Kamandi, 38
Kennedy, John F., 46
Kid Gangs, 136-157, 194
KIRBY, a collection of the artistry of Jack Kirby, 32, 33
Kirby, The Jack Kirby Treasury, 81
Kirby, Rosalind, 169
Kirby Unleashed, 32, 33, 80
Marvelmania, 24, 42-43, 60-63, 70-71, 80, 84-85
McCartney, Paul, 177
Mediascene, 37
Merry Marvel Marching Society, 84-85
Miamicon, 75
Monsters, 30, 31
Museum of Fine Arts (Montgomery, AL), 28, 29
NASA, 88
National Museum of Cartoon Art (London), 67
New Gods, see Fourth World
Newhart, Bob, 50
Original Art, 26, 27
Patriotic Heroes, 89
Quotation Marks (Kirby’s use of), 34
Royer, Mike, 72-74, 102-104, 182-192
Ruby, Jack, 46
Ruby-Spears, 65
San Diego Comic Con, 168
Sandman, 38, 39, 47
Sherman, Steve, 51, 96-99, 177
Silver Star, 47
Simon, Joe, 54-55
Sinnott, Joe, 182-192, 220-228
Sotheby’s, 26, 27
Steranko, Jim, 172-176
Street Code, 81, 129
Toth, Alex, 172-176
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)(speech by JK), 82-83
Women, 74, 110-111
Words and Pictures Museum (Northampton, Mass.), 44-45
Essential listening for those of you interested in understanding the legal context of the copyright termination letters that the Kirby heirs delivered in September 2009.
Host Doug Lichtman (Professor, UCLA School of Law) and guests Peter Menell (Professor of Law, UC Berkeley) and David Nimmer (Author, “Nimmer on Copyright”) informally discuss termination rights as part of Intellectual Property Colloqium.
Click on over to the Copyright Termination page to listen.
A few treats to celebrate Independence Day here in the US:
Scans of photocopies of Kirby pencil art from Captain America’s Bicentennial battles! (With a focus on splashes and spreads.)
Tom Kraft, who made the video slideshow above, loaned many pieces of Kirby art to the Fumetto exhibit.
Have you seen Tom’s great What If Kirby website?
I’ve posted the slightly-longer-than-an-hour Kirby discussion that Dan Nadel, Paul Gravett and I had last Saturday at Fumetto on Livestream.com. (If YouTube approves the Kirby Museum’s Non-Profit application, I’ll move the video there.)
I’d like to acknowledge and thank Greg Theakston for gifting his Kirby papers to the Kirby Museum – these papers were the source for the Street Code and the V-mail included in the Fumetto exhibit.
Having listened to the talk many times while preparing it for posting, I’m compelled to clarify and/or correct:
That’s Tom Morehouse speaking from the audience a few times. Tom Kraft manned the video camera. The last question, about Kirby’s output, is asked by Fabrice Stroun.
Thanks again to Fumetto, Dan and Paul.
Four video tours shot and narrated by Paul Gravett, co-curator with Dan Nadel of this Jack Kirby exhibit mounted by Fumetto International Comix Festival, 2010. I’ve included all four in a YouTube playlist – they should play in sequence.