Upcoming Kirby – Kamandi Archives v2


Hey, this was kind of unexpected. Maybe they’ll actually get around to doing the full Kirby run on the book in this format.

Some Kirby stuff I should mention further in the future, DC recently announced that they’ll do a multi-volume colour hardcover series of Kirby’s Fourth World stuff, including all of the Kirby NEW GODS, FOREVER PEOPLE and MISTER MIRACLE issues from the 1970s, only some of the JIMMY OLSEN issues and the 1980s “Even Gods Must Die” and “Hunger Dogs” stories. Exact plans are still up in the air, they may be in original published order instead of split by series. Hopefully they’ll manage to make this go-round definitive (a few previous reprints have had a few odd modifications, like some sound effects obviously changed for a previous foreign reprint). More details when the first volume is actually on the schedule.

Written by Jack Kirby
Art by Kirby, Mike Royer and D. Bruce Berry
Cover by Kirby

The incredible adventures of the Last Boy on Earth continue in this 228-page volume collecting KAMANDI #11-20! This volume features such classic doses of dystopian future-shock by Kirby as “Hell at Hialeah!”, “The Human Gophers of Ohio!” and “The Last Gang in Chicago” plus an introduction by KAMANDI inker Mike Royer.

on sale February 28 – 228 pg, Full Colour, $49.99 US

5 thoughts on “Upcoming Kirby – Kamandi Archives v2

  1. johnny

    another Kamandi volume! unexpected, indeed, after the supposedly soft sales of the first one, but hey…I’ve never read this stuff, so this is great!

  2. Cal

    Yay!! This was the first Jack Kirby stuff I ever saw, so it’s great to see nice solid hardback reprinting of it (hoping this one has more sketches, pencils, etc in the back). More fun than a barrel of talking monkeys!

  3. Bob Post author

    Yeah, doesn’t look too likely at this point. I’d say it’s more likely that they go back to the beginning in a different format, either the black&white SHOWCASE PRESENTS format or the hardcover format used for the other 1970s Kirby reprints and maybe try to get the whole Kirby run in 2 or 3 volumes.


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