Monthly Archives: January 2006

The Invaders #4 [1976] – Cover


Cap, the Torch and Namor battle nazis on the high seas in this early INVADERS cover. My favourite bit is the flipped over nazi that Cap has just decked. Frank Giacoia inks the image.

invart.jpgThe art for this cover is currently being auctioned at Heritage Comics, already out of most people’s price range, I’m sure. Check their site for a large scan (registration required), which is missing the cover blurb so you get some more details on U-Man’s leg.

Published 1976

Fantastic Four #171 [1976] – Cover


“Not just another giant gorilla story”, that’s a classic bit of comics hype there. I especially love the texture around Gorr’s fingers and toes.


Joe Sinnott inks, with some modifications by John Romita.

Published 1976

Marvel Super-Heroes #32 [1972] – Trapped in the Lair of the Leader


This reprints the Hulk story from TALES TO ASTONISH #69 (1965), slightly out of sequence since the HULK SPECIAL that reprinted the following issues had already come out. Mike Esposito inks the 10-page story, using the “Demeo” pen-name. Typical Hulk story of the era, he gets captured by fellow gamma-green freak the Leader, who is stealing a military device which absorbs radiation, while the army is in pursuit. Fortunately the Hulk makes a timely rampage, knowing from the Banner part of his mind that he has to destroy the device, though he reverts to Banner and appears to die as the army closes in, despite Rick Jones’ attempt to stop them.

These are some great rampaging Hulk images on this page, aren’t they?


Published 1972

Heroes Against Hunger #1 [1986] – A Song of Pain and Sorrow


Jack Kirby did a 2-page segment featuring Superman and Lex Luthor in this benefit book for African famine relief efforts, inked by Al Milgrom and written by Ed Hannigan with a plot by Jim Starlin and Bernie Wrightson. Some nice super-action against a cosmic menace.


Published 1986