Category Archives: Links

–Link– Lord of Light


Kirby did over a dozen great (but probably completely unproducable) production design prints for a planned film adaptation of the novel LORD OF LIGHT. Take a look at them at this site.

–Link– Kirby’s Monsters


A listing of some of the Atlas-era monsters that Kirby drew, along with some details of where their stories have been reprinted and where they’ve subsequently appeared in Marvel super-hero comics. Boy, that Fin Fang Foom really got around…

–Link– Kirby’s NCS bio


This page from the International Museum of Cartoon Art website features Kirby’s illustrated autobiographical rundown prepared for the National Cartoonists Society.

–Link– Kirby in the Marvel Universe


This is a nice write-up about Kirby in the format of entries about the many characters he created, and looking at the numerous times he’s appeared in Marvel comics, starting in FANTASTIC FOUR #10.

–Link– Evanier’s Kirby stuff


This is a link to the Kirby related stuff on Mark Evanier’s website. Evanier was, of course, Kirby’s long-time assistant, friend and (eventual) biographer. A decent Kirby FAQ and an essay about the Kirby Memorial from a year after his death are great reading.

Check out the rest of his site and other sites for great articles about comics, TV, movies and just about everything else.

–Link– Kirby Collector


In addition to the look at Kirby books, I’ll try to post quick links to various places on the web where you’ll find Kirby stuff. First off, the web site of THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR, a great magazine published by TwoMorrows. Check out the art and articles they have on the web, and pick up all the back issues.