Sunday New York Times “Editorial Observer” acknowledges Kirby as “Genius”

A wonderful way to start the week of Jack Kirby’s 90th birthday was the publication of Brent Staples’ “Jack Kirby, a Comic Book Genius, Is Finally Remembered” in the Op-Ed section on 26 August. Although the piece was spurred by the appearance of Kirby art on 8 of the 20 Marvel Super Heroes stamps issued by the United States Postal Service, Mr. Staples noted the growing interest in Mr. Kirby.


Rand and scanner were set up at the TwoMorrows booth at the huge San Diego convention again this year. He was pleased to talk with Kirby fans like David Schwartz, Glen Gold, Kasra Ghanbari, and Andrew Cooke, to only mention a few. Once again, Mike Thibodeaux, Mike Burkey, Anthony Snyder and more allowed us to scan Kirby pages for our archive.

After the convention, Lisa Kirby also invited Rand and his wife Lisa to stop by her house north of Los Angeles for a visit. A lovely time was had by all, with Rand scanning many pieces from Lisa’s personal collection.

Tom Morehouse starts off “Kirby’s Real Folks” exhibit

Tom Morehouse, who curated our Kirby’s Civil War exhibit, sparks another show titled Kirby’s Real Folks. Says Tom, “whether it was a world leader or just some kids he met at a convention; Jack’s universe was peopled with real folks.” While Tom has gathered examples from some of the more obscure and rare items in his “kirbykrypt” collection, we hope that everyone will contribute. See the exhibit page for more information.

Kirby Museum table at Lower East Side Art Festival

On 8&9 September the museum will be manning a table spreading the Kirby word in Tompkins Square Park in the Manhattan Island’s East Village/Lower East Side. Jack Kirby spent his early life a few blocks away. He fought in the ghetto’s streets, then worked hard and got out; never wanting to return. The neighborhood has changed a lot since then, but in some ways it’s the same. TwoMorrows is sending some Kirby books for fund raising purposes, we’ll have samples of our membership gift posters for ogling and enticement – as well as a large print of the spread from Kirby’s autobiographical “Street Code”. Special thanks to festival organizers James Romberger and Marguerite Van Cook for their help.

Kirby Museum Co-Sponsors MoCCA’S Spring 2007 Exhibit “Stan Lee: A Retrospective”

What a pleasant surprise to be contacted by Ken Wong, President of New York City’s Museum of Comic and Cartoon and Art (a/k/a MoCCA), who asked for our support for the Stan Lee exhibit he was co-curating with comics scholar Peter Sanderson. Ken hoped we would help find some original art and review interpretive materials like display and narrative cards. Our Board of Trustees agreed that the Museum should take the opportunity to participate in educating the show’s vistors about Jack Kirby’s contributions to the work he produced for Marvel in the 1960s with Stan Lee. The opening reception took place in the evening of the first day of the New York Comic Con, where Rand and Lisa Hoppe enjoyed speaking with Stan Lee, Ken Wong, Peter Sanderson, Kirby Museum member Tom Morehouse (who loaned art and Marvel memorabilia to the show), Jim Salicrup, Danny Fingeroth and more. The exhibit runs through 3 July 2007.

“Jack Kirby SHOULD have a museum!” – Stan Lee

Rand scans at NYCC and WonderCon

Rand Hoppe recently set up his scanner at the TwoMorrows booth at NYCC and WonderCon, where he was able to add archival quality scans of pages from “Bombing Out On The Panama Canal” from Our Fighting Forces 158, “The Devil and Mister Sacker!” from Kamandi 12, the 2001: A Space Odyssey adaptation, an uninked, unused Black Magic cover and the Molecule Man pin-up from Fantastic Four Annual 2, among others. Thanks to Tom Kraft, Tom Morehouse, Mike Thibodeaux, Albert Moy, Anthony Snyder and more for allowing their Kirby pages to be scanned.

Don’t forget, we aren’t just looking for archival scans. We’re interested in compiling scans or photos at any quality level. Visit the project’s web page for more information.

Kirby Museum Shop – Amazon and Tales of Wonder affiliate links

The Shop hasn’t come together as we prematurely announced in our last newsletter. However, over at his Museum-sponsored Jack Kirby Comics Weblog, Bob Heer offers the next best thing – he’s compiled two pages, Kirby In Print Guide and New Kirby – Announcement Page, that contain affiliate links to the Amazon and Tales of Wonder web stores. If you buy using those links, the Kirby Museum will get a portion of each sale to fund its programs.

* Bob Heer’s Jack Kirby Comics Weblog
* Bob’s New Kirby – Announcement page
* Bob’s Kirby In Print Guide

We certainly hope you’ve stopped by Harry Mendryk’s Simon & Kirby blog. Harry’s been regularly writing some fascinating studies on Simon & Kirby work.

Pencil art photocopies go live!

Jack Kirby pencil art is now viewable in our Gallery. TwoMorrows has donated the results of its efforts in scanning the photocopies of Kirby pencil art to the Museum, and we’ve made selected pages from Captain Victory, Eternals, New Gods and OMAC available for viewing on our web site. Museum members, however, get a little bit more, as we’ve made some Captain America scans available to members only. So now, your membership dues not only helps us with in our operations and programs, but it gets you a nice poster and grants you greater access to awesome Kirby pencil art.

Original Art Digital Archive update

Once again, Kirby Museum Vice-President John Morrow donated some of his TwoMorrows Publishing booth space at Comic-Con International: San Diego to the Kirby Museum. This year, Museum member Tom Kraft and Secretary/Treasurer Rand Hoppe were manning a large-format scanner acquiring archival quality scans for our Original Art Digital Archive project. Thanks to the generosity of the Kirby family/Mike Thibodeaux, art dealers and collectors like Anthony Snyder, Glen Gold, Dan Forman, Bechara Maalouf and Dan Forman, the Museum now has archival scans of all interior pages from 1968’s “When Wakes The Sleeper!”, first published in Captain America 101, as well as pages from Mister Miracle, Tales To Astonish, New Gods, Journey Into Mystery, a Sky Masters Sunday strip, pencil art commission pieces, full color presentation pieces, and more.

We aren’t just looking for archival scans, though. We’re interested in compiling scans or photos at any quality level. Visit the project’s web page for more information.

Kirby Museum panel at CCI: San Diego report

Lisa Kirby, John Morrow and Rand Hoppe all took part in a special Kirby museum panel in July at the San Diego convention. We discussed our plans for the organization and shared some Jack Kirby video clips with the attendees. Our thanks again to Tom Kraft for helping with the audio/visual tools.

Coming soon!

Unfortunately, the opening of the Museum Shop has been slightly delayed.

Jack Kirby’s 89th Birthday, Our First Anniversary

Just a brief note to celebrate Jack Kirby’s birth, and to express my thanks to all of our supporters; especially the Museum’s continually growing membership, the Kirby family (especially Jack and Roz’s daughter, Trustee Lisa Kirby) and TwoMorrows Publishing (a sole proprietorship of Trustee John Morrow).

There’s an update coming soon. Stay tuned.

The Jack Kirby Museum at Comic-Con International: San Diego!

Thanks to the support of Museum trustee John Morrow, the Kirby Museum will be headquartered at the TwoMorrows booth (#1215-1217) again this year. We’ll be there to meet and talk with you about our programs, scan Kirby original art for our archive and show some Kirby-related videos on our laptop.

Kirby Museum Panel

We’re also having a Kirby Museum panel in Room 7B on Saturday, 22 July from 5-6 pm. Discuss with the Museum’s Board of Trustees — Lisa Kirby (President), John Morrow (Vice President), Randolph Hoppe (Secretary/Treasurer) — what the Museum has accomplished in this early stage of its development and learn of its plans going forward. Multimedia pieces will be shown, including video footage of Jack.

Hope to see you there!

Join the Jack Kirby Museum Internet Conversation!

Jack Kirby Comics Weblog

Kirby Museum member Bob Heer has been a champion of Jack Kirby on the internet for a long time. For almost ten years, he has been regularly updating internet newgroups like rec.arts.misc.comics and alt.comic.jack-kirby with the latest Jack Kirby publishing news. On an almost daily basis for a few years, he has been going through his Kirby comic collection, posting a scan, a description, and replying to comments on his Jack Kirby Comics Weblog. We’re pleased to announce that Bob has agreed to have the Museum host his blog going forward.

Bob’s also compiled a comprehensive web-based Jack Kirby bookstore. Right now Bob’s store is available through pages on his blog, with 100% of the Amazon Associate commissions going directly to the Kirby Museum. He’ll be helping us integrate the store across the rest of the Museum’s web site, as well.

Simon & Kirby blog

Harry Mendryk has been posting to the Kirby-L, the Jack Kirby discussion group, for a few years. He has a keen eye for artistic styles, and studies and writes on Simon & Kirby history. Harry recently started a Simon & Kirby blog filled with his insightful analysis, excellent artwork restorations, and of course, replies to visitors’ comments. We’re pleased that Harry has agreed to have the Museum host his blog, as well.

E-mail/Web Discussion Groups
Kirby-L: The Jack Kirby Discussion Group (and more!)

Museum trustee Randolph Hoppe has been operating the discussion groups devoted to Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Will Eisner, Harvey Kurtzman and Jean ‘Moebius” Giraud currently on Yahoo Groups for almost ten years now and felt the Museum would be a perfect host or sponsor for these discussions. Additionally, we’ve started a Kirby Museum ‘Café” group, for more general discussions that don’t fall within the confines of the other groups. These groups are open to the general public, please join us!

Ten Years of Kirby Conversation

There has been an e-mail-based Jack Kirby discussion group of one kind or another for 10 years now. Ten-year discussion group member (and Museum member) Gary Picariello wanted to honor that anniversary with a book that compiles memories, discussion excerpts, artwork and more. It seemed such a compelling study of Kirby and internet culture, that the Museum is going to publish this book itself. We don’t have a name for the book yet, but stay tuned.

Thanks for your support!

We’d like to thank Museum member Reed Man for donating a page in his French publication of “The Atomics” #4 to the Museum, which also featured “Abbatoir!” a translation by Museum member Jean Depelley, with new coloring, of the 1954-published Simon/Kirby story “Slaughter-House”.

Anyone who picks up a copy of Jack Kirby’s Galactic Bounty Hunters in July, will see a full page devoted to the Museum. Arranged by Trustee Lisa Kirby & Member Tom Brevoort, this donation coming through Marvel Comics is especially heartwarming.

Thanks to Trustee John Morrow for providing a page in The Jack Kirby Collector, and the revenue sharing of the Silver Star: Graphite Edition.

Original Art Scanning Project

We’d like to thank all of our members for their support, which is crucial for the Museum to continue our efforts. If you’re not yet a member, please join us!

Our big news for this update is the start of our Original Art Digital Archive project. Museum member Tom Kraft suggested that Kirby Museum volunteers scan both sides of Kirby original art in color at high resolution and provide these scans to the Museum. This archive would not only provide amazing images for the Catalogue Raisonné, but also help scholars and historians in their efforts. Visit the Original Art Digital Archive project’s web page for for more information.

TwoMorrows is donating a portion of the revenue from their upcoming Silver Star: Graphite Edition. We’re really looking forward to this book!

Paypal’s up

We put off our second update until we got our electronic giving up and running. Well, now we’re connected! Be sure to read up on how we’re using PayPal’s new Subscription feature to help us manage your membership.

There’s been some interesting Jack Kirby news recently:

  • The Masters of American Comics exhibit co-organized by the Hammer Museum and The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA) presents Jack Kirby as one of the 15 influential “Masters”. The show opened 20 November 2005 to great acclaim and will show until 12 March 2006. Then it will travel to The Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) in Wisconsin from 27 April through 13 August, and then to the NYC metropolitan area. More details to follow.
  • 2005 - USPS Green Arrow stamp
    2005 – USPS Green Arrow stamp

    The United States Postal Service announced that it will issue a set of DC Comics Super Hero stamps in late 2006. Included in that 20 stamp set will be a Green Arrow stamp based on a Jack Kirby drawing. The cover of DC Comics’ 2001 Green Arrow collection featured a drawing that longtime Kirby collaborator Mike Royer adapted from a Kirby Bulls Eye drawing. Apparently there will be a Marvel set in 2007.

  • Although the home video version of this past summer’s Fantastic Four movie was just released, there will be a Special Edition shipped in 2006 that will contain “Jack Kirby: Storyteller” – a one hour documentary about Jack Kirby’s life and career. Interviews with Museum Trustees Lisa Kirby and John Morrow, as well as Neal Kirby, Mike Thibodeaux, Mark Evanier, and others are included. John Morrow has seen a preview and gives it high marks for breadth and accuracy.

Jack’s 88th birthday, Our Debut.

We couldn’t be more pleased to debut on that day. Thanks for stopping by. We’ve got some interesting presentations, and lots more in the works.

1984 - New Gods poster
1984 – New Gods poster

Be sure to try out the comicbook database. Based on the Jack Kirby Checklist, the comicbook database is our first step towards building an complete, online Kirby “Catalogue Raisonné. Programmer Greg Gatlin, who runs, has done a great job. The Museum has ambitious plans for the database – what is available now is but a seed which will grow and grow

Anyone who spent time with Jack Kirby reported that he enjoyed telling stories about his World War 2 experiences. Glenn Fleming, a guest to the Kirby home in 1991, recorded Jack describing one particular story that he used in “Mile-A-Minute Jones”, published in Our Fighting Forces #159 by DC Comics in 1975. A brief video clip of Jack interspersed with panels from the comic book was prepared by David Schwartz and is presented here.

Although Jack Kirby is currently more known for his work with Stan Lee at Marvel Comics, he had a long, successful partnership with Joe Simon – Captain America, Boy Commandos. Newsboy Legion and Sandman were big hits in the early 1940s. After World War 2, however, Simon & Kirby produced some interesting, non-action-adventure work before tapping into the romance and true crime genres. Presented for your entertainment and edification is Alligator Tetanus 1947. They produced some action-adventure, as well.

One of the Kirby highlights of 2004 was TwoMorrows Publishing’s re-working and updating of 1972’s Kirby Unleashed. Mark Evanier and Steve Sherman have been kind enough to allow us to use their amended Kirby biography on this site. Newly illustrated with photos, too!

The Kirby Museum’s long-term plans include a major traveling retrospective in 2007, a documentary, and more. We can’t do this without your help. Please consider becoming a member of the Museum to foster the development of these programs.

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