2011 – Kirby Enthusiasm Maxwells, Hoboken, NJ main wall, west

2011 – Kirby Enthusiasm Maxwells, Hoboken, NJ main wall, west

G.R. Lambert’s “Lockjaw Dances Alone”, Karl Heitmueller’s “Maximus Is Pleased” , Frank Espinosa’s “Classic Colors”, Miss Lasko-Gross’ “You Sexy Thing”, Norris Burroughs’ “By Ben Betrayed”, Brian Musikoff’s “Devourer of Planets”, Arlen Schumer’s “Seinfour”, Edwin Vazquez’ “Still 25c”, Tom Kraft’s “Kirby Space”, janna Brower’s “Big Barda”, Vlad Quigley’s “Fighting American”, Cheese Hasselberger’s “Fin gang Foom”, Vlad Quigley’s “Hela”, R. Sikoryak’s “The Quest Men”, Dave McKenna’s “Who Rule The Valley Of Flame?!”, Tom Scioli’s “Jack Kirby”, Karl Heitmueller’s “The Murphy Slap”, Dennis Franklin’s “Haunted Dreams Of Hela’s Icy Grip”, Ken Wong’s “Blue-Eyed Thing”, Jason Atomic’s “Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!”

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