Dinosaur Dispatch


There Were Giants In Those Days

by Jack Kirby

And there were smaller beasts too. Man, himself, was just a two-legged creature on the edge of keen awareness and driven by the instinct to survive into environments which molded him into all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some fossils indicate that "Hominids" no bigger than the average chimpanzee ran about Pre-Africa, leaving tools and a crude form of culture behind them. In China, you can still buy an excavated tooth of "Homo Gigantus" and visualize its original owner reaching for food in the topmost branches of a tree with comparative ease.

Everywhere, in the lands and oceans of unrecorded time, the "Change Process" was doing things which have inspired the bold ones among us to bypass the guidelines and restrictions set by acamedicians and create the many tales which are bound to outlast the bones yielded by the soil in the past centuries.

This magazine contains such a story. After all, the seeds of Homer and Jules Verne are widely scattered. We could grow a tree here, more fascinating in detail than previously illustrated in mythology and science fiction.

Dinosaurs, Dawn Men and the swarm of living leviathans produced in the pea soup of nature's "Trial and Error" period will be presented with the utmost regard for a logical and acceptable image.

The whale was once a mammal who took to the sea. What did it look like before it took that step? How large was the dinosaur who first grew wings? Was he the phantom behind the giant Roc which darkened the sky above Sinbad the Sailor? Think of the host of misfits who roarod and rambled and vanished on the evolutionary scale. They lived and flourished in that dim grey area of time.

Perhaps, we can see them now. Devil and Moonboy are the most likely vehicles for that purpose. This issue is only mere indication of the broad and interesting landscape that lies ahead of us.

As a reader, you have seen what has transpired at this writing. You may be entertaining questions and visions akin or diverse to my own. It is to be expected that this kind of speculation generates an itch to evoke the still unseen denizens of this "Pre-World." In that respect, I invite you to do so.

The terrain that lies before us is chock-full of caves, hollows, marshes, dark waters of mystery and green heights that echo with strange sounds.

At this moment it's your play, and your suggestions which can add now dimensions to an already, intriguing premise.


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