Dinosaur Dispatch


Of Dinosaurs And Men

by Jack Kirby

The fossil hunters claim that we never met. According to them, Man missed any rendezvous with the Age of Dinosaurs by several geologic eras. And truthfully, at this point in time, there is no evidence that Man-or something like him ever co-existed with the greatest living land animals that ever trod the earth.

However, those same experts also insisted that the Ceolacanth, a somewhat less than attractive prehistoric fish, had been extinct for twenty-six million years. At least, that's what they claimed until 1938, when a living specimen of the ancient flounder was pulled from the waters off the coast of North Africa.

Contemporary sightings of deep sea monsters, whose descriptions are remarkably similar to those of the ancient reptiles, have been too numerous to mention. From divers in Loch Ness to Japanese fishermen, modern man keeps finding creatures that appear to be Plesiosaurs! Surely, the lid cannot be completely closed on the story of these antediluvian beasts and their possible relationship with the destiny of Man.

With all of this firmly in mind, it's not too far-fetched to imagine a friendship such as that shared by Devil and Moon-Boy. After all, just where the Dinosaur met his and when Man first stood reasonably eroct, is still shrouded In mystery. Anything could have happened then and there. . .and probably did! What swam in the primal soup of prehistory may have been a conglomeration of changing life-forms of an infinite variety.

Yes, I believe that Devil and his young dawn-companion could have existed, finding adventure in a savage world quite different from the shrinking global community we know today.

The fun side of our job is now to probe that world and translate its wonders into entertaining visions to hold your modern eyes. And, of course, to achieve the total presentation, the rest of that lost millenium must be given its due consideration.

What was the rest of it like? What was the terrain, the plants, the bugs, the basic common denominators of everything we see about us today? Were there terrors of flesh and bone who became the nightmare phantoms of modern man's mythology?

I think that Devil and Moon-Boy have the answers. And if we follow them on their journey through that bygone era, something much more than more adventure is certain to be revealed.

So, get set to shoulder a pack and take up the trail of Devil Dinosaur. Just ahead lies all the fun and games which Darwin missed. It's a new sport in which readers of all ages are invited to participate.

Our expedition is already under way, so don't lag behind! Join us here every thirty days, and you're bound to get your share of thrills from the unknown and the unexpected!


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